12th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film

The 12th Open Russian Festival of Animated Film was held from March 1–5, 2007, in Suzdal, Russia. The winners for the main award categories were announced on March 4. The jury consisted of 33 professionals in professions related to animation. The Encyclopedia of Domestic Animation, the first attempt to cover the full history of Russian and Soviet animation, was premiered at the festival.

Main awards

Award Film Recipient(s)
(the director of the film, unless stated otherwise)
Grand Prix My Love
Моя любовь (Moya lyubov)
n/a My Love on Animator.ru
Clips: [1],

[2], [3]

Best Direction My Love
Моя любовь (Moya lyubov)
Aleksandr Petrov
Александр Петров
Best Dramaturgy Lavatory – Lovestory
Уборная история - Любовная история (Ubornaya istoriya - Lyubovnaya istoriya)
Konstantin Bronzit
Константин Бронзит
Best Visuals My Love
Моя любовь (Moya lyubov)
Aleksandr Petrov
Александр Петров
Best Animation The Snow Maiden
Снегурочка (Snegurochka)
Mariya Muat
Мария Муат
Best Sound Mother and Music
Мать и музыка (Mat i muzyka)
Yuliya Aronova
Юлия Аронова
L. Slepner (composer)
Л. Слепнер
N. Kozyrev (sound operator)
Н. Козырев
Best Film for Children Zhiharka
Oleg Uzhinov
Олег Ужинов
Rambler (full film)
Best Student Film The King Forgets
Король забывает (Korol zabyvayet)
Dmitriy Shestopalov, Veronice Fyodorova
Дмитрий Шестопалов, Вероника Фёдорова
Corbina (full film, 5th from the top)
Best Interstitial Animation Right Turn Dmitriy Rezchikov
Дмитрий Резчиков
Rambler (full film)

Other prizes

Award Film Recipient(s)
(the director of the film, unless stated otherwise)
"Fortuna" Prize
(chosen randomly)
The Magic Bench
Волшебная лавка (Volshebnaya lavka)
Yelena Petkevich
Елена Петкевич
Administration of Petushinsky District Prize Bear Stories
Медвежьи истории (Medvezhyi istoriyi)
Marina Karpova
Марина Карпова
Prize of Audience Sympathies
(viewers from Rambler Vision)
Oleg Uzhinov
Олег Ужинов
Vyacheslav Mayasov Prize - for the development of the Suzdal Festival n/a Vladimir Golovanov (dramaturgist)
Владимир Голованов

Jury rating

Each jury member was asked to list their top five films of the festival. Five points were given for a 1st place vote and so on, down to one point for a 5th place vote.

Position Film Points Link
1 My Love
Моя любовь (Moya lyubov)
110 [4]
2 Zhiharka
80 [5]
3 Lavatory Lovestory
Уборная история - Любовная история (Ubornaya istoriya - Lyubovnaya istoriya)
59 [6]
4 Foolish Girl
Девочка дура (Devochka dura)
42 [7]
5 The King Forgets
Король забывает (Korol zabyvayet)
34 [8]
6 Kolobok
30 [9]
7 Once There Lived a Secretary of Defence
Жил министр обороны (Zhil ministr oborony)
22 [10]
8 Bear Stories
Медвежьи истории (Medvezhyi istroriyi)
19 [11]
9 The Snow Maiden
Снегурочка (Snegurochka)
17 [12]
10 Mother and Music
Мать и музыка (Mat i muzyka)
15 [13]
11 Little Havroshechka (Mikhaylova)
Крошечка Хаврошечка (Kroshechka khavroshechka)
9 [14]
12 The Little Fish
Рыбка (Rybka)
9 [15]
13 Tales of an Old Piano
Сказки старого пианино (Skazki starovo pianino)
8 [16]
14 Little Havroshechka (Korzhnyova)
Крошечка Хаврошечка (Kroshechka khavroshechka)
8 [17]
15 Masquerade
Маскарад (Maskarad)
6 [18]
16 Sarah's Tale
Сказка Сары (Skazka Sary)
5 [19]
17 Cuban Lullaby
Кубинская колыбельная (Kubinskaya kolybelnaya)
4 [20]
18 About the Bald Princess
Про лысую принцессу (Pro lysuyu printsessu)
4 [21]
19 The Wielder of the Winged Hands
Рукокрылый (Rukokrylyy)
3 [22]
20 Heart of the Beast
Сердце зверя (Serdtse zverya)
3 [23]
21 Ryaba
3 [24]
22 Fantasia About a Dead Man to the Music of Beethoven
Фантазия о мёртвом человеке на музыку Бетховена (Fantaziya o myortvom cheloveke na muzyku Betkhovena)
2 [25]
23 The Magic Booth
Волшебная лавка (Volshebnaya lavka)
1 [26]
24 Unbendable Chen
Несгибаямый Чен (Nesgibayemyy Chen)
1 [27]
  • Official website with the results
    • Breakdown of jury votes
    • Breakdown of jury votes (categories)
  • 2007 entries on Rambler Vision (46 out of the total 61 can be viewed, though some only partially)
  • v
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