3-3 duoprism

3-3 duoprism
3D perspective projection with two different rotations
TypeUniform duoprism
Schläfli symbol{3}×{3} = {3}2
Coxeter diagram
Dual3-3 duopyramid
Propertiesconvex, vertex-uniform, facet-transitive

In the geometry of 4 dimensions, the 3-3 duoprism or triangular duoprism is a four-dimensional convex polytope. It can be constructed as the Cartesian product of two triangles and is the simplest of an infinite family of four-dimensional polytopes constructed as Cartesian products of two polygons, the duoprisms.

It has 9 vertices, 18 edges, 15 faces (9 squares, and 6 triangles), in 6 triangular prism cells. It has Coxeter diagram , and symmetry [[3,2,3]], order 72. Its vertices and edges form a 3 × 3 {\displaystyle 3\times 3} rook's graph.


The duoprism is a 4-polytope that can be constructed using Cartesian product of two polygons.[1] In the case of 3-3 duoprism is the simplest among them, and it can be constructed using Cartesian product of two triangles. The resulting duoprism has 9 vertices, 18 edges,[2] and 15 faces—which include 9 squares and 6 triangles. Its cell has 6 triangular prism.

The hypervolume of a uniform 3-3 duoprism with edge length a {\displaystyle a} is V 4 = 3 16 a 4 . {\displaystyle V_{4}={3 \over 16}a^{4}.} This is the square of the area of an equilateral triangle, A = 3 4 a 2 . {\displaystyle A={{\sqrt {3}} \over 4}a^{2}.}

The 3-3 duoprism can be represented as a graph, which has the same number of vertices and edges. Like the Berlekamp–van Lint–Seidel graph and the unknown solution to Conway's 99-graph problem, every edge is part of a unique triangle and every non-adjacent pair of vertices is the diagonal of a unique square. It is a toroidal graph, a locally linear graph, a strongly regular graph with parameters (9,4,1,2), the 3 × 3 {\displaystyle 3\times 3} rook's graph, and the Paley graph of order 9.[3] This graph is also the Cayley graph of the group G = a , b : a 3 = b 3 = 1 ,   a b = b a C 3 × C 3 {\displaystyle G=\langle a,b:a^{3}=b^{3}=1,\ ab=ba\rangle \simeq C_{3}\times C_{3}} with generating set S = { a , a 2 , b , b 2 } {\displaystyle S=\{a,a^{2},b,b^{2}\}} .


In 5-dimensions, some uniform 5-polytopes have 3-3 duoprism vertex figures, some with unequal edge-lengths and therefore lower symmetry:

Symmetry [[3,2,3]], order 72 [3,2], order 12

Name t2α5 t03α5 t03γ5 t03β5

The birectified 16-cell honeycomb also has a 3-3 duoprism vertex figure. There are three constructions for the honeycomb with two lower symmetries.

Symmetry [3,2,3], order 36 [3,2], order 12 [3], order 6

Related complex polygons

The regular complex polytope 3{4}2, , in C 2 {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} ^{2}} has a real representation as a 3-3 duoprism in 4-dimensional space. 3{4}2 has 9 vertices, and 6 3-edges. Its symmetry is 3[4]2, order 18. It also has a lower symmetry construction, , or 3{}×3{}, with symmetry 3[2]3, order 9. This is the symmetry if the red and blue 3-edges are considered distinct.[4]

Perspective projection

Orthogonal projection with coinciding central vertices

Orthogonal projection, offset view to avoid overlapping elements.

Related polytopes

k22 figures in n dimensions
Space Finite Euclidean Hyperbolic
n 4 5 6 7 8
A2A2 E6 E ~ 6 {\displaystyle {\tilde {E}}_{6}} =E6+ T ¯ 7 {\displaystyle {\bar {T}}_{7}} =E6++
Symmetry [[32,2,-1]] [[32,2,0]] [[32,2,1]] [[32,2,2]] [[32,2,3]]
Order 72 1440 103,680
Name −122 022 122 222 322

3-3 duopyramid

3-3 duopyramid
Type Uniform dual duopyramid
Schläfli symbol {3}+{3} = 2{3}
Coxeter diagram
Cells 9 tetragonal disphenoids
Faces 18 isosceles triangles
Edges 15 (9+6)
Vertices 6 (3+3)
Symmetry [[3,2,3]] = [6,2+,6], order 72
Dual 3-3 duoprism
Properties convex, vertex-uniform, facet-transitive

The dual of a 3-3 duoprism is called a 3-3 duopyramid or triangular duopyramid. It has 9 tetragonal disphenoid cells, 18 triangular faces, 15 edges, and 6 vertices.

It can be seen in orthogonal projection as a 6-gon circle of vertices, and edges connecting all pairs, just like a 5-simplex seen in projection.

orthogonal projection

Related complex polygon

The regular complex polygon 2{4}3, also 3{ }+3{ } has 6 vertices in C 2 {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} ^{2}} with a real representation in R 4 {\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{4}} matching the same vertex arrangement of the 3-3 duopyramid. It has 9 2-edges corresponding to the connecting edges of the 3-3 duopyramid, while the 6 edges connecting the two triangles are not included. It can be seen in a hexagonal projection with 3 sets of colored edges. This arrangement of vertices and edges makes a complete bipartite graph with each vertex from one triangle is connected to every vertex on the other. It is also called a Thomsen graph or 4-cage.[5]

The 2{4}3 with 6 vertices in blue and red connected by 9 2-edges as a complete bipartite graph.

It has 3 sets of 3 edges, seen here with colors.

See also


  1. ^ Coxeter, H. S. M. (1948), Regular Polytopes, Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, p. 124
  2. ^ Li, Ruiming; Yao, Yan-An (2016), "Eversible duoprism mechanism", Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 11: 159–169, doi:10.1007/s11465-016-0398-6
  3. ^ Makhnev, A. A.; Minakova, I. M. (January 2004), "On automorphisms of strongly regular graphs with parameters λ = 1 {\displaystyle \lambda =1} , μ = 2 {\displaystyle \mu =2} ", Discrete Mathematics and Applications, 14 (2), doi:10.1515/156939204872374, MR 2069991, S2CID 118034273
  4. ^ Coxeter, H. S. M.; Regular Complex Polytopes, Cambridge University Press, (1974).
  5. ^ Regular Complex Polytopes, p.110, p.114
  • Coxeter, The Beauty of Geometry: Twelve Essays, Dover Publications, 1999, ISBN 0-486-40919-8 (Chapter 5: Regular Skew Polyhedra in three and four dimensions and their topological analogues)
    • Coxeter, H. S. M. Regular Skew Polyhedra in Three and Four Dimensions. Proc. London Math. Soc. 43, 33-62, 1937.
  • John H. Conway, Heidi Burgiel, Chaim Goodman-Strauss, The Symmetries of Things 2008, ISBN 978-1-56881-220-5 (Chapter 26)
  • Norman Johnson Uniform Polytopes, Manuscript (1991)
    • N.W. Johnson: The Theory of Uniform Polytopes and Honeycombs, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Toronto, 1966
  • Catalogue of Convex Polychora, section 6, George Olshevsky.
  • Apollonian Ball Packings and Stacked Polytopes Discrete & Computational Geometry, June 2016, Volume 55, Issue 4, pp 801–826

External links

  • The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained—describes duoprisms as "double prisms" and duocylinders as "double cylinders"
  • Polygloss – glossary of higher-dimensional terms
  • Exploring Hyperspace with the Geometric Product