Fifth National Government of New Zealand

Government of New Zealand from 2008–2017

  National Party (2008–17)
  •   ACT (2008–17)
  •   United Future (2008–17)
  •   Māori Party (2008–17)
  • Status in legislatureMinority (2008–2011)
    with confidence and supply from the ACT, United Future and Māori
    58 / 122(48%)

    Minority (2011–2014)
    with confidence and supply from the ACT, United Future and Māori 59 / 121(49%)

    Minority (2014–2017)
    with confidence and supply from the ACT, United Future and Māori 60 / 121(50%)

    Opposition party
    Opposition leader
    • Phil Goff (2008–2011)
    • David Shearer (2011–2013)
    • David Cunliffe (2013–2014)
    • Andrew Little (2014–2017)
    • Jacinda Ardern (2017)
    Outgoing election2017 general electionLegislature terms
    PredecessorFifth Labour Government of New ZealandSuccessorSixth Labour Government of New Zealand

    The Fifth National Government of New Zealand was the government of New Zealand for three parliamentary terms from 19 November 2008 to 26 October 2017. John Key served as National Leader and Prime Minister until December 2016, after which Bill English assumed the premiership until the National Government's defeat following the October 2017 government-forming negotiations.

    After the 2008 general election the National Party and its allies were able to form a government, taking over from Helen Clark's Fifth Labour Government. It was subsequently reformed after the 2011 general election with a reduced number of seats, and after the 2014 general election with a reduced share of the party vote but the same number of seats. The Government had confidence and supply agreements with the following parties: ACT, United Future, and the Māori Party – which gave the Government a majority on major legislation. The National Party also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Green Party after the 2008 election, but this lapsed in 2011 and was not renewed.

    Significant policies

    John Key, Prime Minister, (2008–2016)

    Treaty of Waitangi/Settlements

    The involvement of the National government within this particular area was seen through their approach in settlements. National government's involvement of Treaty affairs:

    • Ngai Tuhoe deed of settlement[1]

    These involved discussion and planning of guidelines which were negotiated with two significant iwis of Taranaki. This also involved Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Christopher Finlayson.

    • Apology to affiliate Te Arawa[2]

    In relation to past Treaty breaches and the actions of the previous governments at the time of the land wars. John Key apologised for the actions and doings of the abuses to the Te Arawa iwi and hapu.

    • Negotiation with Te Atiawa and Taranaki iwi[3]


    The Government was elected in the context of the late 2000s recession.

    • The Fifth Labour Government's Emissions Trading Scheme was delayed and the Emissions Trading Scheme Review Committee was set up to review the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme[4] in accordance with the coalition agreement with the ACT Party.[5] In November 2009, an amended version of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme was adopted.[6]
    • Personal tax cuts, reducing taxes on all income; the top personal tax rate was lowered from 39% to 38% and then 33%.[7]
    • Abolished the Loss Attributing Qualifying Company (LAQC) tax structure, which had allowed individuals (mainly property investors) to reduce their individual income tax by off setting their LAQCs losses (the Look-through company structure replaced LAQCs, but without the tax benefits).
    • Increased GST from 12.5% to 15% in October 2010.
    • Increased the minimum wage from $12.00 per hour to $13.00 per hour in its first term, and to $14.25 in its second term.[8] This represents a nominal 3.1% average annual increase, significantly lower than the previous government's nominal 7.9% annual average increase.
    • Suspended payments to the New Zealand Superannuation Fund.[9]
    • Introduced the nine-day working fortnight for businesses who were considering laying off staff.
    • Capped the minimum employers' contributions to KiwiSaver at 2%, the amount was due to increase to 4% by 2011 and gave employees the option to contribute as little as 2% of their income to KiwiSaver where previously the smallest contribution amount was 4%. The minimum employee and minimum employer contributions were raised to 3% in April 2013.
    • Introduced the "mixed ownership model" plan, in which the Government planned to reduce its share in Genesis Energy, Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power and Solid Energy from 100% to 51% and Air New Zealand from 74% to 51%, and sell off the remainder. The plans to sell down Solid Energy were later axed due to the company's poor financial position. A citizens-initiated referendum on the sell-downs returned a 67.3% vote in opposition (on a turnout of 45.1%).
    • Ultra-Fast Broadband rollout of fibre to the house to 87% of households
    • Seven Roads of National Significance
    • Significant investments in the rebuilding of Christchurch after the Canterbury earthquakes[10][11]


    Social policy

    • Extended the paid parental leave scheme by four weeks[15]
    • Introduced the Employment Relations Amendment Act 2008 (the "90-day working bill") in December 2008 which allowed employers with less than 20 staff to dismiss an employee within the first 90 days of employment for no particular reason.[16] In 2010 the bill was extended to all employers.
    • Allowed employees to cash in their fourth week of annual leave, employees can now take 3 weeks holiday and be paid for the fourth while still working.[17] The fourth week of annual leave was introduced by the previous government.
    • A lifetime limit on student loans was introduced: if a student has studied more than 7 EFTS within their lifetime the student can no longer take out any further loans. Students receiving New Zealand Superannuation Fund payments or Veterans Pension can no longer receive the Student Allowance at the same time. Students are now required to pass more than half of their studies each year to receive a Student Loan or Allowance the following year, previously this requirement only affected the Student Allowance.
    • Reformed social security benefits by consolidating seven major benefits into three new ones.
    • In 2015, introduced a $790 million of extra spending to reduce hardship among children in New Zealand's poorest families.[18]
    • Invested in insulating New Zealand homes via the Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes programme which targets low-income households.[19]

    Foreign affairs

    • Allowed a U.S. navy ship into New Zealand for the New Zealand Navy 75th anniversary without confirmation regarding nuclear weapons for the first time in 33 years[20]
    • Won a seat on the UN Security Council in the 2014 election, a process that started in 2004.[21]


    • In 2012, New Zealand and the U.S. signed the Washington Declaration, strengthening military cooperation and defence relations, for the first time in more than 30 years.[22]
    • Removal of the position of Minister of Disarmament and Arms Control.[23]
    • The government released a new Defence White Paper in 2016, outlining the New Zealand government's strategic defence policy objectives and how the Defence Force will be structured to meet these objectives by 2030 and beyond.[24]

    National identity

    • Restored titles ('Sir' and 'Dame') in the New Zealand honours system.[25]
    • Officially ended appointments to the Privy Council of the United Kingdom, which would have meant that no new designations of "The Right Honourable" would be made, and that instead ministers will be known simply as "The Honorable".[26] However, on 2 August 2010 it was announced by the Queen of New Zealand that those appointed to offices of Governor-General, Prime Minister, Speaker, and Chief Justice would be given the title "The Right Honourable" for life, "to preserve an important mark of distinction for the holders of the nation's highest public offices".[27] Prime Minister John Key said "he appreciated the title" and also stated "Her Majesty believes it is appropriate also to acknowledge the service of the Governor-General, the Queen's representative in New Zealand, the Speaker, the highest officer in the House of Representatives, and the Chief Justice, the head of the judicial branch of government".[28]
    • Two referendums on flag change; one to determine a possible alternative, the other to decide whether to change or not.


    • Introduction of National Standards for primary and intermediate school children.
    • Planned to change teacher to student ratios in the 2012 Budget, but withdrew two weeks later due to miscalculations regarding the effect of changes on intermediate schools and public opposition.[29]
    • Removal of all student allowances for postgraduate study at University.
    • Rejected a bill for state-funded breakfast and lunch to be provided to students at all low-decile schools.[30]
    • Invested $359 million to strengthen leadership and quality teaching across schools. This investment created new principal and teacher roles.[15]
    • In 2016 invested $883 million in a building programme to deliver various building projects including 480 new classrooms and nine new schools. This includes $168 million for the Christchurch schools rebuild programme.[31]

    Local government


    • Increased amounts of elective surgery[34]
    • Provided free GP visits and free prescriptions for children aged under 13 from July 2015.[15]
    • Provided funding for the rheumatic fever prevention programme[15]
    • Rebuilt Christchurch Hospital and Burwood Hospitals[35]


    2008 election

    The 2008 general election saw the Fifth National Government elected to power with 44.93 per cent of the popular vote, ending nine years of Labour government. National formed a minority government with confidence-and-supply support from the ACT, United Future and Māori parties. The Governor-General swore Key in as New Zealand's 38th Prime Minister on 19 November 2008.

    2011 election

    The 2011 general election saw the Fifth National Government continue with confidence-and-supply from the ACT, United Future and Maori parties. National increased its share of the party vote to 47.3 percent, but gained only one additional seat to 59 due to a reduced wasted vote (down to 3.4 percent from 6.5 percent in 2008), largely stemming from the return of the New Zealand First party to Parliament after a one term absence. National's increased share of votes however largely came at the expense of its support parties, which saw decreases in vote share and seats. ACT only gained a third of its 2008 vote with 1.07 percent, reducing its seats from five to just one, while the defection of Hone Harawira to form the Mana Party saw the Maori Party's share of vote split, reducing the party to 1.43 percent and reducing the number of seats to three. The United Future Party saw its party vote drop by a quarter to 0.60 percent, but retained its single seat. The reformed Government and its supporters therefore held 50.41 percent of the party vote and 64 of the 121 seats in Parliament.

    2014 election

    The 2014 general election saw the Fifth National Government returned again, gaining a plurality with 47.0% of the party vote and 60 of the 121 seats. On election night counts the party appeared to hold the first majority since 1994 with 61 seats, but lost a list seat (for Maureen Pugh) to the Green Party on the official count (including special votes) of the party vote.[36] National re-entered confidence and supply agreements with the centrist United Future,[37] the classical liberal ACT Party,[38] and the indigenous rights-based Māori Party[39] to form a minority government.

    Subsequently, with the sudden resignation of Mike Sabin the National MP for Northland in January 2015, and his replacement in the subsequent 2015 by-election by New Zealand First leader Winston Peters, the government became more dependent on the support parties.

    Election results

    The table below shows the total party votes for National and the three parties that supported the National-led government. National received support on matters of confidence and supply from ACT, the Māori Party and United Future in each of the three terms. For more details of election results, see the election articles.

    Election Parliament Seats Total votes Percentage Gain/loss Seats won Change Majority
    2008 49th 122 1,215,371 51.84% - 69 - 7
    2011 50th 121 1,127,952 50.41% –1.43% 64 −5 3
    2014 51st 121 1,185,526 49.28% −1.13% 64 0 3

    Prime Minister

    National Party leader John Key was Prime Minister between when the government was elected in the 2008 elections, up until his resignation on 12 December 2016.

    The National Party held a leadership election to determine Key's successor as National Party leader and Prime Minister. Deputy Prime Minister Bill English announced that he would be standing for the leadership on 6 December 2016.[40] Health Minister Jonathan Coleman and Police and Corrections Minister Judith Collins also announced their intention to seek the leadership, but dropped out due to low support from National Party colleagues. After Coleman and Collins' withdrawal, English was sworn in as the 39th Prime Minister on 12 December 2016.[41] State Services Minister Paula Bennett and Transport Minister Simon Bridges announced they would contest the consequential vacancy for Deputy Leader; Bridges dropped out of the race after it was clear Bennett had greater support.[42]

    Cabinet Ministers

    Portfolio Minister Party Start End
    Prime Minister John Key National 19 November 2008 12 December 2016
    Bill English National 12 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Deputy Prime Minister Bill English National 19 November 2008 12 December 2016
    Paula Bennett National 12 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Agriculture David Carter National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Chris Finlayson National 19 November 2008 8 October 2014
    Maggie Barry National 8 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Attorney-General Chris Finlayson National 19 November 2008 26 October 2017
    Minister of Broadcasting Steven Joyce National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Amy Adams National 14 December 2011 20 December 2016
    Simon Bridges National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister for Building and Construction Maurice Williamson National 19 November 2008 1 May 2014
    Nick Smith National 1 May 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister for Civil Defence John Carter National 19 November 2008 8 June 2011
    Craig Foss National 8 June 2011 14 December 2011
    Chris Tremain National 14 December 2011 30 January 2013
    Nikki Kaye National 30 January 2013 20 December 2016
    Gerry Brownlee National 20 December 2016 2 May 2017
    Nathan Guy National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Commerce Simon Power National 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Craig Foss National 12 December 2011 8 October 2014
    Paul Goldsmith National 8 October 2014 20 December 2016
    Jacqui Dean National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector Tariana Turia Māori Party 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Jo Goodhew National 12 December 2011 20 December 2016
    Alfred Ngaro National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Conservation Tim Groser National 19 November 2008 27 January 2010
    Kate Wilkinson National 27 January 2010 22 January 2013
    Nick Smith National 22 January 2013 8 October 2014
    Maggie Barry National 8 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Consumer Affairs Heather Roy ACT 19 November 2008 17 August 2010
    John Boscawen ACT 17 August 2010 3 May 2011
    Simon Power National 4 May 2011 14 December 2011
    Chris Tremain National 14 December 2011 3 April 2012
    Simon Bridges National 3 April 2012 30 January 2013
    Craig Foss National 30 January 2013 6 October 2014
    Minister of Corrections Judith Collins National 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Anne Tolley National 12 December 2011 8 October 2014
    Sam Lotu-Iiga National 8 October 2014 14 December 2015
    Judith Collins National 14 December 2015 20 December 2016
    Louise Upston National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Customs Maurice Williamson National 19 November 2008 1 May 2014
    Nicky Wagner National 1 May 2014 2 May 2017
    Tim Macindoe National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Defence Wayne Mapp National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Jonathan Coleman National 14 December 2011 6 October 2014
    Gerry Brownlee National 6 October 2014 2 May 2017
    Mark Mitchell National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Economic Development Gerry Brownlee National 19 November 2008 13 December 2011
    David Carter National 24 February 2011 13 December 2011
    Steven Joyce National 13 December 2011 20 December 2016
    Simon Bridges National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Education Anne Tolley National 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Hekia Parata National 12 December 2011 2 May 2017
    Nikki Kaye National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Energy and Resources Gerry Brownlee National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Phil Heatley National 14 December 2011 29 January 2013
    Simon Bridges National 29 January 2013 20 December 2016
    Judith Collins National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister for the Environment Nick Smith National 19 November 2008 21 March 2012
    Chris Finlayson National 21 March 2012 2 April 2012
    Amy Adams National 3 April 2012 6 October 2014
    Nick Smith National 8 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Finance Bill English National 19 November 2008 12 December 2016
    Steven Joyce National 12 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Fisheries Phil Heatley National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully National 19 November 2008 2 May 2017
    Gerry Brownlee National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Forestry David Carter National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Minister of Health Tony Ryall National 19 November 2008 6 October 2014
    Jonathan Coleman National 6 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Housing Phil Heatley National 19 November 2008 22 January 2013
    Nick Smith National 22 January 2013 20 December 2016
    Amy Adams National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Immigration Jonathan Coleman National 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Nathan Guy National 14 December 2011 31 January 2013
    Michael Woodhouse National 31 January 2013 26 October 2017
    Minister of Internal Affairs Richard Worth National 19 November 2008 2 June 2009
    Nathan Guy National 16 June 2009 13 December 2011
    Amy Adams National 14 December 2011 2 April 2012
    Chris Tremain National 3 April 2012 27 January 2014
    Peter Dunne United Future 28 January 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Justice Simon Power National 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Judith Collins National 12 December 2011 30 August 2014
    Amy Adams National 30 August 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Labour Kate Wilkinson National 19 November 2008 6 November 2012
    Chris Finlayson National 6 November 2012 31 January 2013
    Simon Bridges National 31 January 2013 26 October 2017
    Leader of the House Gerry Brownlee National 19 November 2008 2 May 2017
    Simon Bridges National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Local Government Rodney Hide ACT 19 November 2008 14 December 2011
    Nick Smith National 14 December 2011 3 August 2012
    David Carter National 3 August 2012 31 January 2013
    Chris Tremain National 31 January 2013 28 January 2014
    Paula Bennett National 28 January 2014 20 December 2016
    Anne Tolley National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister for Māori Development Pita Sharples Māori Party 19 November 2008 8 October 2014
    Te Ururoa Flavell Māori Party 8 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Police Judith Collins National 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Anne Tolley National 12 December 2011 7 October 2014
    Michael Woodhouse National 8 October 2014 14 December 2015
    Judith Collins National 14 December 2015 20 December 2016
    Paula Bennett National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Revenue Peter Dunne United Future 19 November 2008 7 June 2013
    Todd McClay National 7 June 2013 14 December 2015
    Michael Woodhouse National 14 December 2015 20 December 2016
    Judith Collins National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister for Social Development Paula Bennett National 19 November 2008 6 October 2014
    Anne Tolley National 6 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister for Sport Murray McCully National 19 November 2008 6 October 2014
    Jonathan Coleman National 6 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister for State Owned Enterprises Simon Power National 19 November 2008 13 April 2011
    Tony Ryall National 13 April 2011 8 October 2014
    Todd McClay National 8 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister of Statistics Maurice Williamson National 19 November 2008 1 May 2014
    Nicky Wagner National 1 May 2014 8 October 2014
    Craig Foss National 16 October 2014 20 December 2016
    Mark Mitchell National 20 December 2016 2 May 2017
    Scott Simpson National 2 May 2017 26 October 2017
    Minister of Tourism John Key National 19 November 2008 12 December 2016
    Paula Bennett National 12 December 2016 26 October 2017
    Minister of Trade Tim Groser National 19 November 2008 14 December 2015
    Todd McClay National 14 December 2015 26 October 2017
    Minister of Transport Steven Joyce National 19 November 2008 12 December 2011
    Gerry Brownlee National 12 December 2011 6 October 2014
    Simon Bridges National 6 October 2014 26 October 2017
    Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Chris Finlayson National 19 November 2008 26 October 2017
    Minister for Women Pansy Wong National 19 November 2008 12 November 2010
    Georgina te Heuheu National 12 November 2010 8 December 2010
    Hekia Parata National 8 December 2010 13 December 2011
    Jo Goodhew National 13 December 2011 8 October 2014
    Louise Upston National 8 October 2014 20 December 2016
    Paula Bennett National 20 December 2016 26 October 2017


    1. ^ Crown and Ngai Tuhoe sign deed of settlement. 2013. Retrieved from:
    2. ^ PM delivers Crown apology to Affiliate Te Arawa. 2009. Retrieved from:
    3. ^ Terms of Negotiation signed with Te Atiawa and Taranaki iwi. 2010. Retrieved from:
    4. ^ Review of the Emissions Trading Scheme and related matters (Report). I.23A. New Zealand Parliament. 31 August 2009. Retrieved 30 September 2009.
    5. ^ Fleming, Grant (16 November 2008). "Emissions trading scheme up for review under Act deal". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 1 December 2010.
    6. ^ Hon Dr Nick Smith (25 November 2009). "Balanced new law important step on climate change". New Zealand Government Press Release. Retrieved 14 June 2010.
    7. ^ Trevett, Claire (19 March 2009). "Spend tax cut or give it to the needy: PM". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
    8. ^ "Can you survive on the minimum wage in NZ?". The New Zealand Herald. 27 January 2010. Retrieved 28 January 2010.
    10. ^ "Budget 2016: Overview". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    11. ^ "Budget 2013: At a Glance". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    12. ^ Trevett, Claire (18 February 2009). "Unpopular electoral finance law fades into night". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
    13. ^ "Governor-General Bill First Reading". New Zealand Parliament. Retrieved 22 November 2021.
    14. ^ "Monarchy debate off-topic in constitutional review". TVNZ. 8 December 2010. Retrieved 14 March 2011.
    15. ^ a b c d "Budget 2014: At a Glance". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    16. ^ Trevett, Claire (12 December 2008). "90-day bill passes first test under heavy fire". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 30 September 2011.
    17. ^ Gower, Patrick (22 March 2009). "Govt to let employers buy back holidays". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 30 September 2011.
    18. ^ "Budget 2015: At a Glance". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    19. ^ "Budget 2013: At a Glance". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    20. ^ Young, Audrey. "United States ship to visit NZ for the first time in 33 years." NZ Herald. 21 July 2016.
    21. ^ Young, Audrey and Clair Trevett. "NZ Wins seat on security council 'a victory for the small states.'" NZ Herald. 17 October 2014.
    22. ^ "Agreement with US sees NZ as 'de facto' ally". Stuff. 20 June 2012. Retrieved 23 May 2018.
    23. ^ "Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control disestablished | Scoop News". Retrieved 23 May 2018.
    24. ^ "Defence White Paper: Government unveils $20b defence plan for new planes, boats and cyber security". Stuff. 8 June 2016. Retrieved 23 May 2018.
    25. ^ "Titles of Dames, Knights to be restored– Key". The New Zealand Herald. 8 March 2009. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
    26. ^ "Honours Q and A" (PDF). Beehive. 8 March 2009. Retrieved 25 July 2010.
    27. ^ "Use of the title 'The Right Honourable' in New Zealand, 2 August 2010". The Queen's Printer. 2 August 2010. Retrieved 3 August 2010.
    28. ^ "Queen requests officials become lifelong 'Right Honourables'". The New Zealand Herald News. 3 August 2010. Retrieved 3 August 2010.
    29. ^ Trevett, Claire (7 June 2012). "Relief over class size backdown". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 20 June 2012.
    30. ^ "Food In Schools Bill Defeated". Scoop. 18 March 2015. Retrieved 18 March 2015.
    31. ^ "Budget 2016: Overview". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    32. ^ "Royal Commission on Auckland Governance". The New Zealand Herald. 17 September 2009. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
    33. ^ "ECan council canned in favour of commissioners". TVNZ. 30 March 2010. Retrieved 15 April 2010.
    34. ^ "Electives may cut emergencies". The New Zealand Herald. 26 November 2009. Retrieved 25 January 2010.
    35. ^ "Budget 2013: At a Glance". The Beehive. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
    36. ^ Rutherford, Hamish (4 October 2014). "National loses majority, Greens pick up one". Fairfax NZ News. Retrieved 4 October 2014.
    37. ^ Davison, Issac (29 September 2014). "Dunne deal: United Future signs agreement with National-led govt". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 29 September 2014.
    38. ^ Davison, Issac (29 September 2014). "Act deal: No portfolio for David Seymour". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 29 September 2014.
    39. ^ Bennett, Adam (5 October 2014). "National signs deal with Maori Party". The New Zealand Herald. Retrieved 5 October 2014.
    40. ^ "Bill English: Why I'm standing for Prime Minister". The New Zealand Herald. 6 December 2016. Retrieved 7 December 2016.
    41. ^ "The race to be PM: how it happened". 8 December 2016. Retrieved 15 December 2016.
    42. ^ Jo Moir (10 December 2016). "Paula Bennett has won the battle for deputy Prime Minister and will team up with Bill English". Stuff. Retrieved 3 November 2017.

    Further reading

    • Finlayson, Christopher (2022). Yes, Minister. Auckland: Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978-199-1006-103.
    • Joyce, Steven (2023). On the Record. Auckland: Allen & Unwin. ISBN 978 1 99100 646 2.

    External links

    • National's Ministry focused on growth, prosperity Beehive Press Release, 19 November 2009.
    • National-ACT agreement announced Beehive Press Release, 19 November 2009.
    • National-United Future agreement announced Beehive Press Release, 19 November 2009.
    • National-Maori Party agreement announced Beehive Press Release, 19 November 2009.
    • Memorandum of Understanding between the New Zealand National Party and the Green Party of Aotearoa 8 April 2009.
    • v
    • t
    • e
    Fifth National Government of New Zealand
    Political parties
    National Party
    United Future
    Māori Party
    Speaker of the House
    Leader of the House
    Chief Government Whip
    and eventsOther offices
    Chief Justice
    Leader of the Opposition
    • v
    • t
    • e
    Executives without power
    Responsible government
    Governments along party lines