Formula game

A formula game is an artificial game represented by a fully quantified Boolean formula such as x 1 x 2 x 3 ψ {\displaystyle \exists x_{1}\forall x_{2}\exists x_{3}\ldots \psi } .

One player (E) has the goal of choosing values so as to make the formula ψ {\displaystyle \psi } true, and selects values for the variables that are existentially quantified with {\displaystyle \exists } . The opposing player (A) has the goal of making the formula ψ {\displaystyle \psi } false, and selects values for the variables that are universally quantified with {\displaystyle \forall } . The players take turns according to the order of the quantifiers, each assigning a value to the next bound variable in the original formula. Once all variables have been assigned values, Player E wins if the resulting expression is true.

In computational complexity theory, the language FORMULA-GAME is defined as all formulas Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } such that Player E has a winning strategy in the game represented by Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } . FORMULA-GAME is PSPACE-complete because it is exactly the same decision problem as True quantified Boolean formula. Player E has a winning strategy exactly when every choice they must make in a game has a truth assignment that makes ψ {\displaystyle \psi } true, no matter what choice Player A makes.


  • Sipser, Michael. (2006). Introduction to the Theory of Computation. Boston: Thomson Course Technology.

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  • e