Military Counterintelligence Service (Poland)

Intelligence agency in Poland
  • Piotr Bączek, Head
Parent agencyMinistry of National

The Military Counterintelligence Service (Polish: Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego; SKW) is one of the principal intelligence agencies of Poland.[1] It is responsible for the protection of Poland against internal threats and for the combat capability of the Polish Armed Forces.[2]

SKW was established under the Act of June 9, 2006, and is subordinate to the Ministry of National Defence.[3] It was founded on October 1, 2006, the day before the Military Information Services was dissolved.[4] Antoni Macierewicz was the first head of the SKW. On June 22, 2012, the SKW was given the standard.[5]


  1. ^ Obwieszczenie Marszałka Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 20 marca 2019 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia jednolitego tekstu ustawy o Służbie Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego oraz Służbie Wywiadu Wojskowego ([1], Dz. U., 2019, No. 687 ).
  2. ^ "Rozporządzenie w sprawie szczegółowego zakresu działania Jacka Cichockiego – Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych – w zakresie koordynacji służb specjalnych – 2011 – Tekst – Prawo Lege". Archived from the original on 2014-03-03..
  3. ^ "Obwieszczenie Marszałka Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 20 marca 2019 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia jednolitego tekstu ustawy o Służbie Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego oraz Służbie Wywiadu Wojskowego". Retrieved 2019-08-30.
  4. ^ "30 września koniec WSI". 12 October 2007. Retrieved 2019-08-30.
  5. ^ :: Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej – Aktualności.
  • — Official website
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National intelligence agencies
  • Afghanistan: GDI
  • Albania: SHISH
  • Algeria: DRS
  • Angola: SIE
  • Argentina: SIDE
  • Armenia: NSS
  • Austria: DSN
  • Australia: ASIS
  • Azerbaijan: XKX
  • Bahrain: NSA
  • Bangladesh: NSI
  • Belarus: KGB RB
  • Belgium: ADIV/SGRS
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: OSA-OBA
  • Botswana: DIS
  • Brazil: ABIN
  • Brunei: BRD
  • Bulgaria: DAR
  • Cameroon: BMM
  • Canada: CSIS
  • Chad: ANS
  • Chile: ANI
  • China: MSS
  • Congo (Democratic Republic of): ANR
  • Croatia: SOA
  • Cuba: DI
  • Czech Republic: ÚZSI
  • Denmark: FE
  • Djibouti: BSRG
  • Ecuador: SENAIN
  • Egypt: Mukhabarat
  • Estonia: EFIS
  • Ethiopia: NISS
  • France: DGSE
  • Gambia: SIS
  • Georgia: GIS
  • Germany: BND
  • Ghana: BNI, BGU, RDU
  • Greece: EYP
  • Hungary: IH
  • India: RAW
  • Indonesia: BIN
  • Iran: VAJA
  • Iraq: INIS
  • Ireland: G2
  • Israel: Mossad
  • Italy: AISE
  • Ivory Coast: NSC
  • Japan: CIRO
  • Jordan: GID
  • Kazakhstan: Syrbar
  • Kenya: NIS
  • Kyrgyzstan: UKMK
  • Kuwait: KSS
  • Latvia: SAB
  • Liberia: NSA
  • Lithuania: VSD
  • Lebanon: GDGS
  • Libya: MJ
  • Malaysia: MEIO
  • Mexico: CISEN
  • Moldova: SIS
  • Mongolia: GIA
  • Montenegro: ANB
  • Morocco: DGST
  • Mozambique: SISE
  • Netherlands: AIVD
  • New Zealand: NZSIS
  • Nigeria: NIA
  • North Korea: RGB
  • Republic of North Macedonia: UBK
  • Norway: E-tjenesten
  • Oman: Palace Office
  • Pakistan: ISI
  • Papua New Guinea: NIO
  • Philippines: NICA
  • Poland: AW
  • Portugal: SIED
  • Qatar: QSS
  • Romania: SIE
  • Russia: SVR
  • Saudi Arabia: GIP
  • Serbia: BIA
  • Sierra Leone: CISU
  • Singapore: SID
  • Slovakia: SIS
  • Slovenia: SOVA
  • Somalia: NISA
  • South Africa: SSA
  • South Korea: NIS
  • Spain: CNI
  • Sri Lanka: SIS
  • Sudan: GIS
  • Sweden: KSI
  • Switzerland: NDB
  • Syria: GSD
  • Taiwan: NSB
  • Tajikistan: GKNB
  • Tanzania: TISS
  • Thailand: NIA
  • Togo: NIA
  • Tunisia: TIA
  • Turkey: MİT
  • Turkmenistan: MNS
  • Uganda: ESO
  • Ukraine: SZRU
  • United Arab Emirates: SIA
  • United Kingdom: SIS (MI6)
  • United States: CIA
  • Uzbekistan: SSS
  • Vietnam: TC2
  • Algeria: CSS
  • Angola: SINSE
  • Argentina: SIDE
  • Armenia: NSS
  • Australia: ASIO
  • Austria: DSN
  • Azerbaijan: DTX
  • Bangladesh: SB
  • Belarus: KGB RB
  • Belgium: VS/SE
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: SIPA
  • Botswana: DIS
  • Brazil: PF
  • Brunei: IRD
  • Bulgaria: DANS
  • Burundi: SNR
  • Canada: CSIS
  • Chile: ANI
  • China: MSS
  • Colombia: DNI
  • Congo (Democratic Republic of): ANR
  • Croatia: SOA
  • Czech Republic: BIS
  • Denmark: PET
  • Egypt: EHS
  • Estonia: KAPO
  • Finland: SUPO
  • France: DGSI
  • Georgia: SSSG
  • Germany: BfV, LfV
  • Ghana: GPS, CID
  • Greece: EYP
  • Hong Kong: NSD, CPGNSO
  • Hungary: AH
  • India: IB
  • Indonesia: Baintelkam Polri (id), BIN
  • Iran: VAJA, IRGC, PAVA
  • Ireland: CSB, SDU, NSU
  • Israel: Shin Bet
  • Italy: AISI
  • Japan: NPA, TMPD PSB, PSIA
  • Kazakhstan: NSC
  • Kenya: NIS
  • Kosovo: AKI
  • Latvia: VDD
  • Lithuania: STT
  • Lebanon: ISF, LSS
  • Luxembourg: SREL
  • Macau: DS
  • Malaysia: SB
  • Moldova: SIS
  • Netherlands: NCTV
  • New Zealand: NZSIS
  • Nigeria: SSS
  • North Korea: SSD
  • Republic of North Macedonia: IA
  • Norway: PST
  • Oman: ISS
  • Pakistan: IB, FIA
  • Palestine: PSS
  • Paraguay: SNI
  • Peru: DINI
  • Philippines: NBI, NICA
  • Poland: ABW, SOP, SM
  • Portugal: SIS
  • Romania: SRI
  • Russia: FSB
  • Saudi Arabia: Mabahith
  • Serbia: BIA
  • Singapore: ISD
  • Somalia: NISA
  • South Africa: SSA
  • South Korea: Intelligence Bureau, KNPA
  • Spain: CITCO
  • Sri Lanka: SIS
  • Sweden: SÄPO
  • Switzerland: NDB
  • Syria: GSD
  • Taiwan: MJIB
  • Thailand: ISOC, SB
  • Togo: ANR
  • Turkey: MİT, İB
  • Uganda: ISO
  • Ukraine: SBU
  • United Kingdom: Security Service (MI5), NDEDIU, NCA, NBIS
  • United States: I&A, FBI
  • Uzbekistan: SNB
  • Venezuela: SEBIN
  • Vietnam: TC5 (vi)
  • Zimbabwe: CIO
  • Border guard
  • Coast guard
  • Customs
  • Law enforcement agency
    • Types
  • Intelligence agency
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  • Military Intelligence Service (SWW)
  • Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW)
  • Polish IMINT Centre (ORO)
  • 12th Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Base (12.BBSP)
  • National Centre for Cyberspace Security (NCBC)
  • Criminal Directorate of the Military Gendarmerie Headquarters (ZK KGŻW)
  • Reconnaissance Group of 3rd Ship Flotilla (gOR 3.FO)
  • Centre for Radioelectronic Combat Reconnaissance and Support ″Lieutenant Colonel Jan Kowalewski″ (CRiWWRE)
  • 2nd Przasnysz Radioelectronic Reconnaissance Regiment (2.ORel)
  • 6th Oliwa Radioelectronic Reconnaissance Regiment ″Admiral Arendt Dickman″ (6.ORel)
  • Military Unit NIL "Brigadier General August Emil Fieldorf «Nil»" (JW NIL)
Defunct civil
Defunct military