Ombudsman in Ukraine

Office of commissioned representative who performs functions of ombudsman

Ombudsman in Ukraine (Ukrainian: Уповноважений/Уповноважена, romanized: Upovnovazhenyi/Upovnovazhena, lit. 'plenipotentiary') is an office of commissioned representative who performs functions of ombudsman. Besides the parliamentary ombudsman, there are several presidential commissioners.

List of ombudsmen positions in Ukraine

  • Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Ombudsman (Ukrainian: Уповноважений Верховної Ради України з прав людини), 1998
  • Presidential Ombudsman of Children Rights (Ukrainian: Уповноважений Президента України з прав дитини), 2011
  • Presidential Ombudsman in Crimean Tatars Affairs (Ukrainian: Уповноважений Президента України у справах кримськотатарського народу), 2014
  • Presidential Ombudsman in Health Rehabilitation of participants of ATO (Ukrainian: Уповноважений Президента України з питань реабілітації учасників бойових дій), 2018
  • Presidential Ombudsman of Handicapped People Rights
  • Governmental Ombudsman in Education (Ukrainian: Освітній омбудсмен), 2017
  • Business Ombudsman
  • Language Ombudsman, officially State Language Protection Commissioner, 2019

Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Ombudsmen

  • Nina Karpachova (1998–2012)[citation needed]
  • Valeriya Lutkovska (2012–2017)[1]
  • Lyudmila Denisova (2018–2022)[2]
  • Dmytro Lubinets [uk; ru] (2022–present)[3]

Presidential Ombudsman in Health Rehabilitation of participants of ATO

  • Vadym Svyrydenko[4]

Presidential Ombudsmen in Children Rights

  • Yuriy Pavlenko
  • Mykola Kuleba[5]

Presidential Ombudsman in Crimean Tatars Affairs

  • Mustafa Dzhemilev[6]

Governmental Ombudsman in Education

  • appointment is anticipated in 2019[7]

Business Ombudsman


  1. ^ "Каденція перебування Лутковської на посаді омбудсмена завершилася". 28 April 2017.
  2. ^ (in Ukrainian) The Verkhovna Rada fired Ombudsman Denisova by Ukrayinska Pravda (31 May 2023)
  3. ^ "Verkhovna Rada appoints Dmytro Lubinets as Ukraine's new ombudsman". The Kyiv Independent. 2022-07-01. Archived from the original on 2022-07-30. Retrieved 2022-07-30.
  4. ^ Presidential Ombudsman in Health Rehabilitation of participants of ATO (Уповноважений Президента України з питань реабілітації учасників антитерористичної операції, які одержали поранення, контузію, каліцтво або інші захворювання під час участі в антитерористичній операції). President of Ukraine website.
  5. ^ Presidential Ombudsman of Children Rights (Уповноважений Президента України з прав дитини). President of Ukraine website.
  6. ^ Presidential Ombudsman in Crimean Tatars Affairs (Уповноважений Президента України у справах кримськотатарського народу). President of Ukraine website.
  7. ^ In 2019 in Ukraine will appear Ombudsman in Education who will defend rights of students and teachers (У 2019 році в Україні з’явиться освітній омбудсмен, який захищатиме права учнів та вчителів). Nova Ukrayinska Shkola. 6 June 2018
  8. ^ Business-ombudsman of Ukraine became Algirdas Šemeta (Бізнес-омбудсменом України став Альгірдас Шемета). Espreso. 10 December 2014
  • v
  • t
  • e
Central offices of executive authority of Ukraine
  • Architecture and Construction
  • on issues of Consumer Rights Protection
  • Ecological
  • Energy Supervision
  • Nuclear Regulation
  • Educational Institutions
Other and special
  • Anti-Monopoly Committee
  • Council for the State Support of Cinematography
  • Ethics Council
  • Pension Fund
  • Police
  • Institute of National Remembrance
  • State Researches Fund
  • Social Insurance State Fund
  • State Property Fund
  • Guaranty Deposits of Physical Individuals Fund
  • Ukrainian Cultural Fund
  • Agrarian Fund
  • Assistance of Youth Housing Development State Fund
  • Precious metals and Precious stones State Fund
  • State Fund of Fundamental Researches
  • State Fund of Inventions
  • State Cartography and Geodesy Fund
  • State Informational Geologic Fund
  • Committee for Television and Radio-broadcasting
  • Anti-Corruption Bureau
  • State Bureau of Investigation
  • Deregulation of Economic Activity
  • Cooperation with international financial organizations and Attraction of international technical assistance
  • European Court of Human Rights
  • Ethno-National Policy
  • cooperation with the Russian Federation, state-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Eurasian Economic Cooperation and other regional associations
  • European Integration
  • Anti-Corruption Policy
  • Human Rights
  • Children Rights
  • Crimean Tatars
  • Health Rehabilitation of the ATO participants
  • Handicapped People Rights
  • Education
  • Business