Secondary polynomials

In mathematics, the secondary polynomials { q n ( x ) } {\displaystyle \{q_{n}(x)\}} associated with a sequence { p n ( x ) } {\displaystyle \{p_{n}(x)\}} of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a density ρ ( x ) {\displaystyle \rho (x)} are defined by

q n ( x ) = R p n ( t ) p n ( x ) t x ρ ( t ) d t . {\displaystyle q_{n}(x)=\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!{\frac {p_{n}(t)-p_{n}(x)}{t-x}}\rho (t)\,dt.}

To see that the functions q n ( x ) {\displaystyle q_{n}(x)} are indeed polynomials, consider the simple example of p 0 ( x ) = x 3 . {\displaystyle p_{0}(x)=x^{3}.} Then,

q 0 ( x ) = R t 3 x 3 t x ρ ( t ) d t = R ( t x ) ( t 2 + t x + x 2 ) t x ρ ( t ) d t = R ( t 2 + t x + x 2 ) ρ ( t ) d t = R t 2 ρ ( t ) d t + x R t ρ ( t ) d t + x 2 R ρ ( t ) d t {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}q_{0}(x)&{}=\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!{\frac {t^{3}-x^{3}}{t-x}}\rho (t)\,dt\\&{}=\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!{\frac {(t-x)(t^{2}+tx+x^{2})}{t-x}}\rho (t)\,dt\\&{}=\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!(t^{2}+tx+x^{2})\rho (t)\,dt\\&{}=\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!t^{2}\rho (t)\,dt+x\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!t\rho (t)\,dt+x^{2}\int _{\mathbb {R} }\!\rho (t)\,dt\end{aligned}}}

which is a polynomial x {\displaystyle x} provided that the three integrals in t {\displaystyle t} (the moments of the density ρ {\displaystyle \rho } ) are convergent.

See also

  • Secondary measure

  • v
  • t
  • e