System U

Special forms of a typed lambda calculus

In mathematical logic, System U and System U are pure type systems, i.e. special forms of a typed lambda calculus with an arbitrary number of sorts, axioms and rules (or dependencies between the sorts). System U was proved inconsistent by Jean-Yves Girard in 1972[1] (and the question of consistency of System U was formulated). This result led to the realization that Martin-Löf's original 1971 type theory was inconsistent as it allowed the same "Type in Type" behaviour that Girard's paradox exploits.

Formal definition

System U is defined[2]: 352  as a pure type system with

  • three sorts { , , } {\displaystyle \{\ast ,\square ,\triangle \}} ;
  • two axioms { : , : } {\displaystyle \{\ast :\square ,\square :\triangle \}} ; and
  • five rules { ( , ) , ( , ) , ( , ) , ( , ) , ( , ) } {\displaystyle \{(\ast ,\ast ),(\square ,\ast ),(\square ,\square ),(\triangle ,\ast ),(\triangle ,\square )\}} .

System U is defined the same with the exception of the ( , ) {\displaystyle (\triangle ,\ast )} rule.

The sorts {\displaystyle \ast } and {\displaystyle \square } are conventionally called “Type” and “Kind”, respectively; the sort {\displaystyle \triangle } doesn't have a specific name. The two axioms describe the containment of types in kinds ( : {\displaystyle \ast :\square } ) and kinds in {\displaystyle \triangle } ( : {\displaystyle \square :\triangle } ). Intuitively, the sorts describe a hierarchy in the nature of the terms.

  1. All values have a type, such as a base type (e.g. b : B o o l {\displaystyle b:\mathrm {Bool} } is read as “b is a boolean”) or a (dependent) function type (e.g. f : N a t B o o l {\displaystyle f:\mathrm {Nat} \to \mathrm {Bool} } is read as “f is a function from natural numbers to booleans”).
  2. {\displaystyle \ast } is the sort of all such types ( t : {\displaystyle t:\ast } is read as “t is a type”). From {\displaystyle \ast } we can build more terms, such as {\displaystyle \ast \to \ast } which is the kind of unary type-level operators (e.g. L i s t : {\displaystyle \mathrm {List} :\ast \to \ast } is read as “List is a function from types to types”, that is, a polymorphic type). The rules restrict how we can form new kinds.
  3. {\displaystyle \square } is the sort of all such kinds ( k : {\displaystyle k:\square } is read as “k is a kind”). Similarly we can build related terms, according to what the rules allow.
  4. {\displaystyle \triangle } is the sort of all such terms.

The rules govern the dependencies between the sorts: ( , ) {\displaystyle (\ast ,\ast )} says that values may depend on values (functions), ( , ) {\displaystyle (\square ,\ast )} allows values to depend on types (polymorphism), ( , ) {\displaystyle (\square ,\square )} allows types to depend on types (type operators), and so on.

Girard's paradox

The definitions of System U and U allow the assignment of polymorphic kinds to generic constructors in analogy to polymorphic types of terms in classical polymorphic lambda calculi, such as System F. An example of such a generic constructor might be[2]: 353  (where k denotes a kind variable)

λ k λ α k k λ β k . α ( α β ) : Π k : . ( ( k k ) k k ) {\displaystyle \lambda k^{\square }\lambda \alpha ^{k\to k}\lambda \beta ^{k}\!.\alpha (\alpha \beta )\;:\;\Pi k:\square .((k\to k)\to k\to k)} .

This mechanism is sufficient to construct a term with the type ( p : , p ) {\displaystyle (\forall p:\ast ,p)} (equivalent to the type {\displaystyle \bot } ), which implies that every type is inhabited. By the Curry–Howard correspondence, this is equivalent to all logical propositions being provable, which makes the system inconsistent.

Girard's paradox is the type-theoretic analogue of Russell's paradox in set theory.


  1. ^ Girard, Jean-Yves (1972). "Interprétation fonctionnelle et Élimination des coupures de l'arithmétique d'ordre supérieur" (PDF).
  2. ^ a b Sørensen, Morten Heine; Urzyczyn, Paweł (2006). "Pure type systems and the lambda cube". Lectures on the Curry–Howard isomorphism. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/S0049-237X(06)80015-7. ISBN 0-444-52077-5.

Further reading

  • Barendregt, Henk (1992). "Lambda calculi with types". In S. Abramsky; D. Gabbay; T. Maibaum (eds.). Handbook of Logic in Computer Science. Oxford Science Publications. pp. 117–309.
  • Coquand, Thierry (1986). "An analysis of Girard's paradox". Logic in Computer Science. IEEE Computer Society Press. pp. 227–236.
  • Hurkens, Antonius J. C. (1995). Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola; Plotkin, Gordon (eds.). A simplification of Girard's paradox. Second International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA '95). Edinburgh. pp. 266–278. doi:10.1007/BFb0014058.