Vanderdeken's Children

1998 novel by Christopher Bulis

0-563-40590-2Preceded byPlacebo Effect Followed byThe Scarlet Empress 

Vanderdeken's Children is an original novel written by Christopher Bulis and based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It features the Eighth Doctor and Sam.

Plot overview

The TARDIS is thrown off course by a 'vortex discontinuity'. They materialise in deep space, several hundred light years form Earth in the year 3123 A.D. The discover a derelict, cylinder like ship, over four-thousand meters in length.
There are two other ships in the area as well, from rival star-systems, the Emindarian passenger liner, Cirrandaria, and the Nimosian warship, Indomitable. Both ships claim they have the right to salvage the derelict.
Narrowly avoiding destruction by the Indomitable, the Doctor and Sam land on the Cirrandaria.
The Indomitable sends a technician in a pod down to the derelict to explore. The technician, after some examining, begins to think that the derelict was grown, not built. He loses contact with Indomitable, and comes to believe he is being followed by a creature. He attempts to escape by climbing up one of the pylons that ring both ends of the ship. He pictures the monsters from his childhood reaching up for him, lets go of the pylon and falls to his death.
The Cirrandaria sends its own expedition down to the derelict, including the Doctor and Sam, and all hell breaks loose...

External links

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Doctor Who books
New Adventures
Doctor Who
  • Timewyrm: Genesys
  • Timewyrm: Exodus
  • Timewyrm: Apocalypse
  • Timewyrm: Revelation
  • Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible
  • Cat's Cradle: Warhead
  • Cat's Cradle: Witch Mark
  • Nightshade
  • The Highest Science
  • The Pit
  • Lucifer Rising
  • White Darkness
  • Shadowmind
  • Birthright
  • Iceberg
  • Blood Heat
  • The Dimension Riders
  • The Left-Handed Hummingbird
  • Conundrum
  • No Future
  • Tragedy Day
  • Legacy
  • Blood Harvest
  • Strange England
  • St Anthony's Fire
  • Falls the Shadow
  • Parasite
  • Warlock
  • Set Piece
  • Infinite Requiem
  • Sanctuary
  • Human Nature
  • Original Sin
  • Sky Pirates!
  • Zamper
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Head Games
  • The Also People
  • Shakedown
  • Just War
  • Warchild
  • Sleepy
  • Death and Diplomacy
  • Happy Endings
  • Christmas on a Rational Planet
  • Return of the Living Dad
  • The Death of Art
  • Damaged Goods
  • So Vile a Sin
  • Bad Therapy
  • Eternity Weeps
  • The Room with No Doors
  • Lungbarrow
  • The Dying Days
Decide Your Destiny
See also
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TV film
  • Doctor Who
Minor appearances
See also
The Monthly Adventures
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
  • Immortal Beloved
  • Phobos
New Adventures
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Past Doctor Adventures
Video games