Madagascar en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024

Madagascar en los Juegos Olímpicos


|AFG = Flag of Afghanistan (2013–2021).svg
|AHO = Flag of the Netherlands Antilles.svg
|AIN = Individual Neutral Athletes at the 2024 Summer Olympics Flag.svg
|ALB = Flag of Albania.svg
|ALG = Flag of Algeria.svg
|AND = Flag of Andorra.svg
|ANG = Flag of Angola.svg
|ANT = Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg
|ANZ = Flag of Australasian team for Olympic games.svg
|ARG = Flag of Argentina.svg
|ARM = Flag of Armenia.svg
|ARU = Flag of Aruba.svg
|ASA = Flag of American Samoa.svg
|AUS = Flag of Australia.svg
|AUT = Flag of Austria.svg
|AZE = Flag of Azerbaijan.svg
|BAH = Flag of the Bahamas.svg
|BAN = Flag of Bangladesh.svg
|BAR = Flag of Barbados.svg
|BDI = Flag of Burundi.svg
|BEL = Flag of Belgium (civil).svg
|BEN = Flag of Benin.svg
|BER = Flag of Bermuda.svg
|BHU = Flag of Bhutan.svg
|BIH = Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg
|BIR = Flag of Myanmar.svg
|BIZ = Flag of Belize.svg
|BLR = Flag of Belarus.svg
|BOH = Flag of Bohemia.svg
|BOL = Flag of Bolivia.svg
|BOT = Flag of Botswana.svg
|BRA = Flag of Brazil.svg
|BRN = Flag of Bahrain.svg
|BRU = Flag of Brunei.svg
|BUL = Flag of Bulgaria.svg
|BUR = Flag of Burkina Faso.svg
|BWI = Flag of West Indies.svg
|CAF = Flag of the Central African Republic.svg
|CAM = Flag of Cambodia.svg
|CAN = Flag of Canada.svg
|CAY = Flag of the Cayman Islands.svg
|CEY = Flag of Sri Lanka.svg
|CGO = Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg
|CHA = Flag of Chad.svg
|CHI = Flag of Chile.svg
|CHN = Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
|CIV = Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg
|CMR = Flag of Cameroon.svg
|COD = Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg
|COK = Flag of the Cook Islands.svg
|COL = Flag of Colombia.svg
|COM =  Flag of the Comoros.svg
|CON = 
|COR = Unification flag of Korea.svg
|CPV = Flag of Cape Verde.svg
|CRC = Flag of Costa Rica.svg
|CRO = Flag of Croatia.svg
|CUB = Flag of Cuba.svg
|CYP = Flag of Cyprus.svg
|CZE = Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
|DAH = Flag of Benin.svg
|DEN = Flag of Denmark.svg
|DJI = Flag of Djibouti.svg
|DMA = Flag of Dominica.svg
|DOM = Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg
|ECU = Flag of Ecuador.svg
|EGY = Flag of Egypt.svg
|ERI = Flag of Eritrea.svg
|ESA = Flag of El Salvador.svg
|ESP = Flag of Spain.svg
|EST = Flag of Estonia.svg
|ETH = Flag of Ethiopia.svg
|EUA = German Olympic flag (1959-1968).svg
|EUN = Olympic flag.svg
|EUN. = Paralympics logo 1988-94.svg
|FIJ = Flag of Fiji.svg
|FIN = Flag of Finland.svg
|FRA = Flag of France.svg
|FRO = Flag of the Faroe Islands.svg
|FRG = Flag of Germany.svg
|FSM = Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg
|GAB = Flag of Gabon.svg
|GAM = Flag of The Gambia.svg
|GBR = Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
|GBS = Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg
|GDR = Flag of East Germany.svg
|GEO = Flag of Georgia.svg
|GEQ = Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg
|GER = Flag of Germany.svg
|GHA = Flag of Ghana.svg
|GRE = Flag of Greece.svg
|GRN = Flag of Grenada.svg
|GUA = Flag of Guatemala.svg
|GUI = Flag of Guinea.svg
|GUM = Flag of Guam.svg
|GUY = Flag of Guyana.svg
|HAI = Flag of Haiti.svg
|HBR = 
|HKG = Flag of Hong Kong.svg
|HOL = Flag of the Netherlands.svg
|HON = Flag of Honduras.svg
|HUN = Flag of Hungary.svg
|IHO = 
|INA = Flag of Indonesia.svg
|IND = Flag of India.svg
|IOA = Olympic flag.svg
|IOA. = Olympic flag.svg
|.IOA = Olympic flag.svg
|IOP = Olympic flag.svg
|IOA, IOP, OAR, ROT, ROC = Olympic flag.svg
|IPA = Paralympic flag.svg
|IPA. = Paralympic flag.svg
|IPP = Paralympics logo 1988-94.svg
|IPP, IPA, NPA, RPC = Paralympic flag.svg
|IRI = Flag of Iran.svg
|IRN = Flag of Iran.svg
|IRL = Flag of Ireland.svg
|IRQ = Flag of Iraq.svg
|ISL = Flag of Iceland.svg
|ISR = Flag of Israel.svg
|ISV = Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg
|ITA = Flag of Italy.svg
|IVB = Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg
|JAM = Flag of Jamaica.svg
|JOR = Flag of Jordan.svg
|JPN = Flag of Japan.svg
|KAZ = Flag of Kazakhstan.svg
|KEN = Flag of Kenya.svg
|KGZ = Flag of Kyrgyzstan.svg
|KHM = Flag of Cambodia.svg
|KIR = Flag of Kiribati.svg
|KOR = Flag of South Korea.svg
|KOS = Flag of Kosovo.svg
|KSA = Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg
|KUW = Flag of Kuwait.svg
|LAO = Flag of Laos.svg
|LAT = Flag of Latvia.svg
|LBA = Flag of Libya.svg
|LBN = Flag of Lebanon.svg
|LBR = Flag of Liberia.svg
|LCA = Flag of Saint Lucia.svg
|LES = Flag of Lesotho.svg
|LIB = Flag of Lebanon.svg
|LIE = Flag of Liechtenstein.svg
|LTU = Flag of Lithuania.svg
|LUX = Flag of Luxembourg.svg
|MAC = Flag of Macau.svg
|MAD = Flag of Madagascar.svg
|MAL = Flag of Malaya.svg
|MAR = Flag of Morocco.svg
|MAS = Flag of Malaysia.svg
|MAW = Flag of Malawi.svg
|MDA = Flag of Moldova.svg
|MDV = Flag of Maldives.svg
|MEX = Flag of Mexico.svg
|MGL = Flag of Mongolia.svg
|MHL = Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg
|MIX = Olympic flag.svg
|MKD = Flag of Macedonia.svg
|MLI = Flag of Mali.svg
|MLT = Flag of Malta.svg
|MNE = Flag of Montenegro.svg
|MON = Flag of Monaco.svg
|MOZ = Flag of Mozambique.svg
|MRI = Flag of Mauritius.svg
|MTN = Flag of Mauritania.svg
|MYA = Flag of Myanmar.svg
|NAM = Flag of Namibia.svg
|NBO = Flag of North Borneo.svg
|NCA = Flag of Nicaragua.svg
|NED = Flag of the Netherlands.svg
|NEP = Flag of Nepal.svg
|NGR = Flag of Nigeria.svg
|NIC = Flag of Nicaragua.svg
|NIG = Flag of Niger.svg
|NPA = Flag of Neutral Paralympic Athletes (Paris 2024).svg
Bandera de Madagascar
Código COI MAD
CON Comité Olímpico Malgache
Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024
Deportistas 7 en 5 deportes
Abanderado Fabio Rakotoarimanana y Rosina Randafiarison
Historia olímpica
Juegos de verano 1964 • 1968 • 1972 • 1976 • 1980 • 1984 • 1988 • 1992 • 1996 • 2000 • 2004 • 2008 • 2012 • 2016 • 2020 • 2024 •
Juegos de invierno 2006 • 2010 • 2014 • 2018 • 2022 •
[editar datos en Wikidata]

Madagascar estuvo representado en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 por siete deportistas, cuatro mujeres y tres hombres, que compitieron en cinco deportes.[1]

Los portadores de la bandera en la ceremonia de apertura fueron el jugador de tenis de mesa Fabio Rakotoarimanana y la halterófila Rosina Randafiarison. El equipo olímpico malgache no obtuvo ninguna medalla en estos Juegos.[1]


  1. a b «Madagascar – Profile». París 2024 (en inglés). Consultado el 20 de julio de 2024. 

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  • Página del COI (en inglés).
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  • Proyectos Wikimedia
  • Wd Datos: Q125321310
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Madagascar at the 2024 Summer Olympics / Q125321310

  • Wd Datos: Q125321310
  • Commonscat Multimedia: Madagascar at the 2024 Summer Olympics / Q125321310