John Gould

John Gould

Irudi gehiago
JaiotzaLyme Regis, 1804ko irailaren 14a
Herrialdea Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaLondres, 1881eko otsailaren 3a (76 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaKensal Greengo hilerria
Ezkontidea(k)Elizabeth Gould (en) Itzuli
  • Charles Gould (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakzoologoa, ilustratzailea eta ornitologoa
Lantokia(k)australiar kontinentea
Jasotako sariak
  • Royal Societyko kidea
    CHI Academy  (2005)
    Fellow of the Geological Society of London
InfluentziakCharles Darwin
KidetzaRoyal Society
Geological Society of London (en) Itzuli
Accademia delle Scienze di Torino

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John Gould (Lyme Regis, 1804ko irailaren 14a – Londres, 1881eko otsailaren 3a) ingeles ornitologo eta marrazkilaria izan zen.


  • A Century of Birds, hitherto unfigured, from the Himalaya Mountains; 1831–1832
  • The Birds of Europe. 1832–1837
  • A Monograph of the Ramphastidae, or Family of Toucans. 1834
  • A Monograph of the Trogonidae, or Family of Trogons. 1835–1838
  • A Synopsis of the Birds of Australia and the adjacent Islands1837–1838
  • Icones Avium, or Figures and Descriptions of new and interesting Species of Birds from various parts of the Globe 1837–1838
  • The Birds of Australia. 1840–1848
  • The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle. Birds 1841
  • A Monograph of the Macropodidae, or Family of Kangaroos 1841–1842
  • The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur: Under the Command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher During the Years 1836-42. Birds. 1843–1844
  • Monograph of the Odontophorinae, or Partridges of America. 1844–1850
  • The Mammals of Australia. 1845–1863
  • An introduction to the Birds of Australia. 1848
  • The Birds of Asia. 1850–1883
  • An introduction to the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds. 1861
  • Handbook to the Birds of Australia. 1865
  • A Monograph of the Trochilida, or Family of Hummingbirds Supplement. 1880–1887
  • The Birds of New Guinea and the Adjacent Papuan Islands. 1875–1888
Wikimedia Commonsen badira fitxategi gehiago, gai hau dutenak: John Gould Aldatu lotura Wikidatan
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  • Wikimedia proiektuak
  • Wd Datuak: Q313787
  • Commonscat Multimedia: John Gould / Q313787
  • Wikispecies Espezieak: John Gould

  • Wd Datuak: Q313787
  • Commonscat Multimedia: John Gould / Q313787
  • Wikispecies Espezieak: John Gould