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Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après
Asilus crabroniformis
Règne Animalia
Embranchement Arthropoda
Classe Insecta
Ordre Diptera
Sous-ordre Brachycera
Infra-ordre Asilomorpha
Famille Asilidae
Sous-famille Asilinae


Leach[1], 1819

Les Asilini sont une tribu d'insectes diptères prédateurs de la famille des Asilidae et de la sous-famille des Asilinae.

Liste des genres

Asilus - Abrophila - Cerdistus - Colepia - Dicropaltum - Dolopus - Eccritosia - Efferia - Machimus - Mallophora - Mauropteron - Negasilus - Neoaratus - Neoitamus - Philonicus - Polacantha - Proctacanthella - Proctacanthus - Prolatiforceps - Promachella - Promachus - Reburrus - Rhadiurgus - Trichomachimus - Zosteria


  1. (en) Leach, W.E. 1819. [new genera]. In: Samouelle G.: The entomologist’s useful compendium; or an introduction to the knowledge of British insects comprising the best means of obtaining and preserving them, and a description of the apparatus generally used; together with the genera of Linné, and the modern method of arranging the classes Crustacea, Myriapoda, spiders, mites and insects from their affinities and structure, according to the views of Dr. Leach. Also an explanation of the terms used in entomology: a calendar of the times of appearance, and usual situations of near 3000 species of British insects; with instructions for collecting and fitting up objects for the microscope. London: Thomas Boys, 496 pp.


  • (en) Daniels, G. 1987: A revision of Neoaratus Ricardo, with the description of six allied new genera from the Australian region (Diptera: Asilidae: Asilini). Invertebrate taxonomy, 1(5): 473–592. DOI 10.1071/IT9870473
  • (en) Martin, C.H. 1975: The generic and specific characters of four old and six new Asilini genera in the western United States and Central America (Diptera: Asilidae). Occasional papers of the California Academy of Sciences 119: 1–107.

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Sur les autres projets Wikimedia :

  • Asilini, sur Wikimedia Commons
  • Asilini, sur Wikispecies
  • icône décorative Portail de l’entomologie