Hidangan terakhir

Meja hidangan terakhir

Hidangan terakhir yang diberikan kepada terdakwa hukuman mati adalah sebuah kegiatan yang dilakukan sebelum hukuman mati. Berbagai negara memiliki berbagai tradisi terkait hal tersebut. "Segelas kecil rum," meskipun bukan hidangan terakhir resmi, diberikan kepada terdakwa hukuman mati di Prancis pada masa lalu dalam menit-menit sebelum eksekusi. Tak ada makanan yang ditawarkan karena dianggap hanya menunda eksekusi, setidaknya dalam waktu beberapa menit.[1]

Di beberapa negara, dengan suatu alasan, tahanan dapat memilih hidangan terakhir yang akan disajikan.


  1. ^ Lynn-George, Michael. "The Writing Lesson: From the Dragon's Teeth to Tristes Tropiques". The International Journal of the Humanities. 4 (8): 61–72. Diakses tanggal 23 September 2011. [pranala nonaktif permanen]

Bacaan tambahan

  • Treadwell, Ty and Vernon, Michelle (2011) Last Suppers: Famous Final Meals from Death Row
  • Van Dülmen, Richard (1990). Theatre of Horror : Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Germany. Cambridge. ISBN 0-7456-0616-4. 
  • Foucault, Michel (1977). Discipline & Punish : The Birth of the Prison. ISBN 0-679-75255-2. 
  • Von Hentig, Hans (1973). Punishment – Its Origin, Purpose, and Psychology. ISBN 0-87585-147-9. 
  • Osler, Mark (February 2009). "Ch. 7: Last Meal / Last Supper". Jesus on Death Row: The Trial of Jesus and American Capital Punishment. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press. hlm. 63–67. ISBN 978-0-687-64756-9. 
  • Jones, Michael Owen. "Dining on Death Row: Last Meals and the Crutch of Ritual". The Journal of American Folklore. University of Illinois Press (on the American Folklore Society's behalf). 127 (503): 3–26. doi:10.5406/jamerfolk.127.503.0003. 

Pranala luar

  • Greene, Bob (12 June 2001). They didn't get to choose their last meals. Jewish World Review. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  • Karon, Tony (10 August 2000). Why We're Fascinated by Death Row Cuisine Diarsipkan 2013-08-13 di Wayback Machine.. TIME Magazine. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  • Stein, Joel (18 October 2007). You Eat What You Are Diarsipkan 2013-08-24 di Wayback Machine.. TIME Magazine. Retrieved on 2007-11-11.
  • Famous Last Meals. Portraits of Last Requests. Retrieved on 2010-09-17.
  • Final Meal Requests. Texas Department of Criminal Justice (12 September 2003). Archived from the original on 2003-12-02. Retrieved on 2011-03-17.
  • Last Meals Diarsipkan 2017-02-12 di Wayback Machine.. rotten dot com. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  • Last Meals: What Would You Order? Diarsipkan 2010-06-22 di Wayback Machine. Seattle Weekly (18 June 2010). Retrieved on 2010-06-24.
  • Last Meals on Death Row (since 2002). Dead Man Eating. Retrieved on 2007-08-17.
  • Top 10 Death Row Last Meal Requests from Texas Diarsipkan 2011-11-17 di Wayback Machine.. Zombie Popcorn (9 October 2008) Retrieved on 2010-09-29.