Selipan Freudian

Selipan Freudian, juga disebut parapraxis, adalah sebuah kesalahan dalam berbicara, ingatan atau tindakan fisik yang terjadi karena campur tangan alam bawah sadar atau rentetan pikiran internal. Konsep tersebut adalah bagian dari psikoanalisis klasik. Contoh klasik meliputi selip lidah, tetapi teori psikoanalitik juga meliputi kesalahan membaca, kesalahan mendengar, kesalahan menulis, lupa sementara, kesalahan bertindak, dan kehilangan tujuan.


  • Bloom, J. (2007, October). Lecture. Presented at New School University, New York, New York.
  • Baars et al. (1992). Some caveats on testing the Freudian Slip Hypothesis, Experimental Slips and Human Error: Exploring the Architecture of Volition.
  • Freud, Sigmund. (1991 [1915]) Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. Penguin Books Ltd; New Ed edition, pp50–108
  • Jacoby L.L., & Kelley, C.M. (1992). A process-dissociation framework for investigating unconscious influences: Freudian slips, projective tests, subliminal perception and signal detection theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1, 174–179.
  • Motley, M.T. (1985). Slips of the tongue. Scientific American, 253, 116–127
  • Smith, D.J. Speech Errors, Speech Production Models, and Speech Pathology, (2003), Online. Internet.

Pranala luar

  • Der Mensch determiniert durch unbewusste Motivierung. Erläutert in der Psychopathologie des Alltags von S. Freud. Erläuterte kritische Zusammenfassung der Psychopathologie mit Erläuterung Freud’scher Versprecher (German)
  • Freudian Slips. Explains what they are and offers examples of slips approached through psychoanalytic means.
  • l
  • b
  • s
Sigmund Freud
  • On Aphasia
  • Civilization and Its Discontents
  • The Ego and the Id
  • The Future of an Illusion
  • Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego
  • The History of the Psychoanalytic Movement
  • The Interpretation of Dreams (termasuk On Dreams)
  • Introduction to Psychoanalysis
  • Moses and Monotheism
  • The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
  • The Question of Lay Analysis
  • Studies on Hysteria
  • Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious
  • Totem and Taboo
  • "The Aetiology of Hysteria"
  • Beyond the Pleasure Principle
  • Creative Writers and Day-Dreaming
  • Delusion and Dream in Jensen's Gradiva
  • Dostoevsky and Parricide
  • Leonardo da Vinci, A Memory of His Childhood
  • Medusa's Head
  • Mourning and Melancholia
  • On Narcissism
  • Some Character-Types Met with in Psycho-Analytic Work
  • Thoughts for the Times on War and Death
  • Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
Kajian kasus
  • "Dora" (Ida Bauer)
  • Emma Eckstein
  • Herbert Graf ("Little Hans")
  • Injeksi Irma
  • "Anna O." (Bertha Pappenheim)
  • "Rat Man"
  • Sergei Pankejeff ("Wolfman")
  • Daniel Paul Schreber
  • Psikoanalisis
  • Id, ego, dan super-ego
  • Libido
  • Preconscious
  • Ego ideal
    • censorship
  • Free association
  • Transference
  • Psychosexual development
    • Oral stage
    • Anal stage
    • Phallic stage
    • Latency stage
    • Genital stage
  • Oedipus complex
    • Father complex
  • Deferred obedience
  • Reality principle
Hal terkait
  • Daftar pustaka
  • Arsip
  • Rumah dan museum Wina
  • Rumah dan museum London
    • Patung 1971
  • Selipan Freudian
  • Humor
  • Inner circle
  • Neo-Freudianisme
  • Pandangan terhadap homoseksualitas
  • Pandangan agama
  • Freud: The Secret Passion (film 1962)
  • The Visitor (sandiwara 1993)
  • Mahler on the Couch (film 2010)
  • A Dangerous Method (film 2011)
  • Martha Bernays (istri)
  • Anna Freud (putri)
  • Ernst L. Freud (putra)
  • Clement Freud (cucu)
  • Lucian Freud (cucu)
  • Walter Freud (cucu)
  • Amalia Freud (ibu)
  • Jacob Freud (ayah)
  • Edward Bernays (keponakan)