
Mediterranean slimehead (H. mediterraneus mediterraneus)
: 動物界 Animalia
: 脊索動物門 Chordata
亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata
: 条鰭綱 Actinopterygii
: キンメダイ目 Beryciformes
: ヒウチダイ科 Trachichthyidae
: ヒウチダイ属 Hoplostethus
G. Cuvier, 1829



  • Hoplostethus abramovi (Kotlyar, 1986)
  • Hoplostethus atlanticus (Collett, 1889) - orange roughy オレンジラフィー
  • Hoplostethus cadenati (Quéro, 1974) - black slimehead
  • Hoplostethus confinis (Kotlyar, 1980)
  • Hoplostethus crassispinus (Kotlyar, 1980) マルヒウチダイ
  • Hoplostethus druzhinini (Kotlyar, 1986)
  • Hoplostethus fedorovi (Kotlyar, 1986)
  • Hoplostethus fragilis (F. de Buen, 1959) - Chilean roughy
  • Hoplostethus gigas (McCulloch, 1914) - giant sawbelly
  • Hoplostethus grandperrini (C. D. Roberts & M. F. Gomon, 2012)[2] - Grandperrin's giant sawbelly
  • Hoplostethus intermedius (Hector, 1875) - blacktip sawbelly
  • Hoplostethus japonicus (Hilgendorf, 1879) - Western Pacific roughy ヒウチダイ
  • Hoplostethus latus (McCulloch, 1914) - palefin sawbelly
  • Hoplostethus marisrubri (Kotlyar, 1986) - Red Sea roughy
  • Hoplostethus mediterraneus (Cuvier, 1829)
    • Hoplostethus mediterraneus mediterraneus (Cuvier, 1829) - Mediterranean slimehead
    • Hoplostethus mediterraneus sonodae (Kotlyar, 1986) - Western Atlantic silver roughy
    • Hoplostethus mediterraneus trunovi (Kotlyar, 1986)
  • Hoplostethus melanopeza (C. D. Roberts & M. F. Gomon, 2012)[2] - New Zealand giant sawbelly
  • Hoplostethus melanopterus (Fowler, 1938) - blackfin roughy
  • Hoplostethus melanopus (M. C. W. Weber, 1913) - smallscale slimehead クロヒウチ
  • Hoplostethus mento (Garman, 1899) - slimy head
  • Hoplostethus metallicus (Fowler, 1938) - metallic roughy
  • Hoplostethus mikhailini (Kotlyar, 1986)
  • Hoplostethus occidentalis (Woods, 1973) - western roughy ニシヒウチダイ
  • Hoplostethus pacificus (Garman, 1899) - Eastern Pacific roughy
  • Hoplostethus ravurictus (M. F. Gomon, 2008)[3]
  • Hoplostethus rifti (Kotlyar, 1986)
  • Hoplostethus robustispinus (J. A. Moore & Dodd, 2010)[4] - thickspine roughy
  • Hoplostethus rubellopterus (Kotlyar, 1980)
  • Hoplostethus shubnikovi (Kotlyar, 1980) - Metavay sawbelly
  • Hoplostethus tenebricus (Kotlyar, 1980)
  • Hoplostethus vniro (Kotlyar, 1995)


  1. ^ Froese, R. and D. Pauly, Eds. Hoplostethus. FishBase. 2013.
  2. ^ a b Roberts, C.D. & Gomon, M.F. (2012). A review of giant roughies of the genus Hoplostethus (Beryciformes, Trachichthyidae), with descriptions of two new Australasian species. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 69: 341–54.
  3. ^ Gomon, M. F. (2008). A new species of the roughy genus Hoplostethus (Trachichthyidae) off north-western Australia. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, 189-94.
  4. ^ Moore, J. A. and K. A. Dodd. (2010). A new species of the roughy genus Hoplostethus (Teleostei: Trachichthyidae) from the Philippines. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History 51(1) 137-44.
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