Garis masa sejarah Islam abad ke-15

Garis masa sejarah Islam: Abad ke-6 | ke-7 | ke-8 | ke-9 | ke-10 | ke-11 | ke-12 | ke-13 | ke-14 | ke-15 | ke-16 | ke-17 | ke-18 | ke-19 | ke-20 | ke-21

Ini adalah garis masa peristiwa-peristiwa utama dalam dunia Islam dari 1400 AM hingga 1499 AM (803 AH – 905 AH).

Abad ke-15 (1501-1600) (906 AH – 1009 AH)


Golden Horde

  • Ca. 1400: Temur Qutlugh meninggal dan digantikan oleh Shadi Beg.
  • 1407: Shadi Beg adalah digulingkan dan Edigu memasang Pulad Khan sebagai penggantinya.

Empayar Mamluk

  • 1400: The Burji Mamluk kehilangan Syria ke Timur Lenk.

Empayar Uthmaniyyah

  • 1402 - 1403: Beyazid I adalah dikalahkan di Pertempuran Ankara dan ditawan oleh Timur Lenk. Sebuah peralihan tempoh bermula ketika anak-anak Beyazid I bersaing untuk takhta Uthmaniyah.

Empayar Timurid

  • 1405: Timur Lenk meninggal dan digantikan oleh puteranya, Shah Rukh.


Golden Horde

  • 1410: Pulad Khan adalah digulingkan dalam menyokong Timur.
  • 1412: Timur yang digulingkan dalam menyokong Jalal ad-Din Khan, yang pertama dari | putra [[Tokhtamysh] Tokhtamysh's] untuk mengambil kekuasaan sejak kematiannya.
  • 1413: Jalal ad-Din Khan digulingkan dalam menyokong saudaranya, Karim Berdi.
  • 1414: Karim Berdi yang digulingkan dalam menyokong Kebek.
  • 1416: Kebek Khan digulingkan dalam menyokong Yeremferden, saudara Karim Berdi dan Jalal Ad-din Khan.
  • 1419: Yeremferden adalah dibunuh, kawalan Horde dibahagi antara Dawlat Berdi dan Olugh Mokhammad.

Empayar Mamluk

  • 1413: masa peralihan berakhir dan Mehmed I menjadi Sultan.

Nogai Horde

  • 1419: Edigu adalah dibunuh oleh Olugh Mokhammad, yang menganggap kedudukannya sebagai Khan, kembali menyatukan itu dengan Golden Horde.


Golden Horde

  • 1420: Dawlat Berdi menangkap Sarai dan memperluaskan lingkup tentang pengaruh luar Krimea [1]
  • 1423: Baraq kekalahan Dawlat Berdi dan Olugh Mokhammad dan mengambil kawalan Horde. Mokhammad Olugh melarikan diri ke Lithuania.
  • 1427: Dengan bantuan dari Vytautas yang Agung, Olugh Mokhammad dan Dawlat kekalahan Berdi dan membunuh Baraq.

Kara Koyunlu

  • 1420: Qara Malay meninggal dan digantikan oleh puteranya, Qara Iskandar.


  • 1420: Abu Said Othman adalah dibunuh dan digantikan oleh Abdul Haq, anak bayi nya.


  • 1424: The Hafsids berkuasa.


  • 1425: Abul Khayr memuat berpandu dari Little juz.


Ak Koyunlu

  • 1434: Kara Osman dies and is succeeded by Ali Beg.
  • 1438: Ali Beg is overthrown by his brother, Hamza.

Golden Horde

  • 1432: Dawlat Berdi is assassinated and Hacı I Giray conquers the Crimea, founding the Crimean Khanate.
  • 1437: Olugh Mokhammad is defeated by Sayid Ahmad I, who takes control of the Horde.

Kara Koyunlu

  • 1434: Qara Iskandar is deposed in favor of his brother, Jahan Shah.

Khanate of Kazan

  • 1438: Olugh Mokhammad founds the Khanate of Kazan.

Mamluk Empire

  • 1438: Barsbay dies and his son, Jamaluddin Yusuf, is prevented from taking power in a coup orchestrated by Saifuddin Gakmuk.


  • 1434: Abdul Faris dies after forty years of rule and is succeeded by Abu Abdullah Muhammad.
  • 1435: Abu Abdullah Muhammad is deposed in favor of Abu Umar Othman.


  • 1430: Abul Khayr occupies Khwarezmia.


Ak Koyunlu

  • 1440: Hamza is overthrown by Jahangir, a son of Ali Beg.

Ottoman Empire

  • 1444: The Anti-Ottoman League of Lezhe in Albania is formed by Scanderbeg. Murad II voluntarily abdicates from his throne in favor of his son Mehmed II after the former's defeat at the hands of crusaders at the Battle of Varma.
  • 1446: Murad II reclaims the throne.
  • 1448: The Ottomans are victorious at the Second Battle of Kossova. Serbia is annexed and Bosnia is made a vassal.

Timurid Empire

  • 1446: Shah Rukh dies and is succeeded by Ulugh Beg.
  • 1449: Ulugh Beg dies and is succeeded by 'Abd al-Latif.


  • 1449: Abul Khayr captures Farghana.


Ak Koyunlu

Great Horde

  • 1459: Küchük Muhammad dies and is succeeded by his son, Maxmud.

Mamluk Empire

  • 1453: Gakmuk dies and is succeeded by his son, Fakhruddin Othman, who is then overthrown by Saifuddin Inal.

Ottoman Empire

Timurid Empire

  • 1450: 'Abd al-Latif is assassinated and succeeded by Abu Sa'id.


Ottoman Empire

Mamluk Empire

  • 1461: Saifuddin Inal died and is succeeded by his son, Shahabuddin Ahmad, who is then overthrown by Saifuddin Khushqadam.

Great Horde

  • 1465: Maxmud founds the Astrakhan Khanate after he is deposed by his brother, Akhmat Khan.

Kara Koyunlu

  • 1467: Jahan Shah is killed in a surprise attack arranged by his rival, Uzun Hasan, leader of Ak Koyunlu. Ak Koyunlu then annexes Kara Koyunlu.


  • 1465: Abdul Haq is assassinated, ending the Marinid dynasty. Sharif Muhammad al Jati assumes power.

Mamluk Empire

  • 1465: Khushqadam dies and is succeeded by his son, Saifuddin Yel Bey, who is then deposed by Temur Bugha.
  • 1468: Temur Bugha is deposed by Qaitbay.


  • 1468: Abul Khayr dies and is succeeded by his son Haidar Sultan.

Ak Koyunlu

  • 1467: Kara Koyunlu is annexed.
  • 1468: The Timurids are defeated at the Battle of Qarabagh. Ak Koyunlu then becomes the masters of Persia and Khorasan.

Timurid Empire

  • 1469: Abu Sa'id dies; the Timurid state. In Husayn Bayqarah maintains control of Greater Khorasan.



  • 1472: Sharif Muhammad al Jati is overthrown by Muhammad al Shaikh, establishing the Wattasid dynasty.

Ottoman Empire

  • 1473: Mehmed II defeats sultan Uzun Hasan of Ak Koyunlu at the Battle of Otluk Beli.
  • 1475: The Khanate of Crimea is conquered and made a vassal state. Venice is defeated and the Ottoman Empire becomes master of the Aegean Sea.

Ak Koyunlu

  • 1478: Uzun Hasan dies and is succeeded by his son, Khalil ibn Uzun Hasan.
  • 1479: Khalil Hasan is overthrown by his uncle, Y‘aqub ibn Uzun Hasan.


Great Horde

  • 1480: Akhmat Khan is assassinated and succeeded by his son, Said Ahmad II.
  • 1481: Said Ahmad II is overthrown by his brother Murtada.

Ottoman Empire

  • 1481: Mehmed II dies and is succeeded by Beyazid II. Cen Sultan rebels.


  • 1488: Haider Sultan dies and is succeeded by his nephew, Shaybani Khan.


  • 1488: Abu Umar Othman dies and is succeeded by Abu Zikriya Yahya.
  • 1489: Abu Zikriya Yahya is overthrown by Abul Mumin.



  • 1490: Abul Mumin is overthrown and Abu Zikriya Yahya retakes the throne.


  • 1492: Granada is captured by Spain, ending 800 years of Muslim rule in Spain.

Ak Koyunlu

  • 1493: Y‘aqub ibn Uzun Hasan dies and is succeeded by his son, Baisonqur ibn Y‘aqub.
  • 1495: Baisonqur is overthrown by his cousin, Rustam ibn Maqsud.
  • 1497: Maqsud is overthrown by his cousin, Ahmad Gövde ibn Muhammad.

Mamluk Empire

  • 1496: Qaitbay abdicates and is succeeded by his son, Nasir Muhammad.
  • 1498: Nasir Muhammad is deposed and replaced by Zahir Kanauh.


  • 1499: Shaybani Khan conquers Transoxiana.

Great Horde

  • 1499: Murtada meninggal dunia dan diganti oleh Said Ahmad III.

Empayar Uthmaniyyah

  • 1499: Armada Uthmaniyah mengalahkan orang Venice dalam Perang Zonchio.

Lihat juga


  • Bosworth, Clifford Edmund, The New Islamic Dynasties: A Chronological and Genealogical Manual, p. 253. Edinburgh University Press, 2004.
  1. ^ Grousset, Rene:Empayar dari Padang: Sebuah Sejarah. Asia Tengah, pg. 180. Rutgers University Press, 1970.