Kosa kata Bahasa Inggeris Malaysia

Main article: Bahasa Inggeris Malaysia

Kosa kata am

These words are used either in writing or orally.

Senarai ini tidak lengkap; anda boleh membantu mengembangkannya.

This list is not intended to be comprehensive. Please note that many, if not most words listed are very localised or almost obsolete today.

A to D


  • Ah Long - loan shark.
  • alot - a lot.
  • apa - what.
  • apartment - a medium-cost and high-cost flat with veranda.
  • arse - as elsewhere in English, slang for buttocks (sometimes also the anus). American English spelling of ass is also in use.
  • arvo - afternoon.
  • ATM - automated teller machine.
  • Aussie - an Australian.
  • aye - yes.


  • bloody - "the great in Malaysian English adjective / adverb" (for example: The price of fuel nowadays is bloody outrageous!) Also common in British English). Roughly translates as "very".
  • blue
    • a brawl or heated argument (for example "they were having a blue"), similar to the British word "barney".
    • pornographic ("a blue movie").
    • offensive ("blue language").
  • blur - confused.
  • bodoh - stupid.
  • brinjal - eggplant.
  • bungalow - a villa.


  • cantik - beautiful.
  • chau - goodbye / see you.
  • chippies - crisps.
  • chop - to stamp (with a rubber stamp), as well as the stamp itself.
  • coconut - crazy.
  • condominium - a high-rise flat typically high-cost with veranda and other facilities.


  • dang - damn.
  • deco - decoration.
  • demo - demonstration.
  • driver
    • someone who drives.
    • chauffeur.

E to K


  • electro - electric.
  • encik - mister.


  • fag - a cigarette, in common with British English. Due to American media influence this term can also refer to a homosexual man.
  • flat - a low-cost high-rise flat typically without veranda.
  • footpath – sidewalk.
  • follow - to accompany.


  • gula - sugar.


  • having-in - eat-in at a restaurant.


  • Jacko - Michael Jackson.
  • jangan - don't.
  • Johore - Johor.


  • kampung - village.
  • kereta - car.
  • keep
    • to put away or store.
    • to retain as one's own.

L to P


  • legless - drunk.
  • lolly - any sweet(s) (candy). Iced lollies are "ice blocks".
  • lepak - loiter.


  • Malacca - Melaka.
  • makan - eat.
  • McD (pron. "Mack-D") - McDonald's restaurant.
  • member - also means a friend.
  • mat rempit - illegal racer (male).



  • ong - luck.
  • outstation - out of town / overseas.


Q to Z


  • raya - festive (usually referring to Eid).
  • rubber - meaning eraser as in "Can I borrow your rubber?".


  • send - to take somebody to somewhere - "I'll send you to the airport."
  • slippers - Japanese sandals; as in US and UK "flip-flops", Australia "thongs".
  • sup - usually used by itself as a greeting (ie "sup?", as in "whatsup?") as in New Zealand English. An appropriate response has yet to be discovered but is usually responded to with "sup".
  • sweetie/sweety - sweetheart.


  • ta - thank you, derived from infant translation.
  • take-away - food purchased at a restaurant but eaten elsewhere.
  • tata - goodbye.
  • thrice - three times.
  • tin - can, especially for processed foods. Give us a tin of beans. Can is usually reserved for soft drinks or beer/cider.


  • U - university.


  • wierdo - a person who behaves in an odd or abnormal manner.


  • youse - plural of the pronoun you.


  • zebra - zebra crossing.

See also

Bahasa Inggeris Malaysia