1714 w literaturze

◄◄ | 1709 | 1710 | 1711 | 1712 | 1713
1715 | 1716 | 1717 | 1718 | 1719 | ►►
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Wydarzenia literackie w 1714 roku.

Nowe książki

  • John Gay, The Shepherd’s Week (poemat)
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Monadologia
  • John Locke, Collected Works
  • Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees (revised edns. to 1729)
  • Bernard Mandeville, Inquiry into the Origin of Moral Virtue
  • Delarivier Manley, The Adventures of Rivella
  • Nicholas Rowe, Jane Shore (dramat)

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