1730 w literaturze

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Wydarzenia literackie w 1730 roku.

Nowe książki

  • Anon. – The Grub-Street Journal (pismo, 418 issues)
  • Joseph Addison – The Evidence of the Christian Religion (pośm.)
  • John Banks – The Weaver’s Miscellany
  • Thomas Cooke as „Scriblerus Tertius” – The Candidates for the Bays
  • Philip Doddridge – Free Thoughts on the Most Probable Means of Reviving the Dissenting Interest
  • Stephen Duck – Poems on Several Subjects
  • Johann Christoph Gottsched – Versuch einer kritischen Dichtkunst für die Deutschen
  • John Hervey, 2. baron Hervey – Observations on the Writings of the Craftsman
  • George Lyttelton, 1. baron Lyttelton – An Epistle to Mr. Pope
  • Matthew Pilkington – Poems on Several Occasions
  • Jonathan Swift – A Libel on D--- D------, and a Certain Great Lord
  • Elizabeth Thomas – The Metamorphosis of the Town
  • James Thomson – The Seasons
  • Matthew Tindal – Christianity as Old as Creation
  • William Whiston – Life of Samuel Clarke
  • William Wotton – A Discourse Concerning the Confusion of Languages at Babel (posth.)
  • Edward Young – Two Epistles to Mr. Pope