
A binospirona (MDL-73005-EF) é uma droga que actua como agonista parcial nos autoreceptores somatodendríticos 5HT1A, mas actua como antagonista nos receptores pós-sinápticos 5HT1A.[1] Tem efeitos ansiolíticos.[2]


  1. Bertrand F, Lehmann O, Galani R, Lazarus C, Jeltsch H, Cassel JC. Effects of MDL 73005 on water-maze performances and locomotor activity in scopolamine-treated rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behaviour. 2001 Apr;68(4):647-60. PMID 11526961
  2. Moser PC, Tricklebank MD, Middlemiss DN, Mir AK, Hibert MF, Fozard JR. Characterization of MDL 73005EF as a 5-HT1A selective ligand and its effects in animal models of anxiety: comparison with buspirone, 8-OH-DPAT and diazepam. British Journal of Pharmacology. 1990 Feb;99(2):343-9. PMID 1970269
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  • CAS: 102908-59-8
  • ChEBI: 91740
  • ChEMBL: CHEMBL1487115
  • ChemSpider: 54766
  • DTXSID: DTXSID50861284
  • PubChem: 60769
  • UNII: T3M5D109V5