Fransis Krik

Fransis Krik
Fransis Krik
Rođen(1916-06-08)8. јун 1916.
Veston Favel, Nortemptonšir, UK
Umro28. jul 2004.(2004-07-28) (88 god.)
San Dijego, Kalifornija, SAD
Rak debelog creva
PrebivališteUK, SAD.
PoljaFizika, Molekularna biologija
InstitucijeInstitut za unapređenje genetičkih ispitvanja
Alma materUniverzitetski koledž London
Univerzitet u Kembridžu
MentorMax Perutz
Poznat poDNK struktura
Značajna priznanjaNobelova Nagrada (1962)

Fransis Hari Kompton Krik[1][2] (engl. Francis Crick; 8. jun 1916 — 28. jul 2004) je bio engleski molekularni biolog, biofizičar, i neuro naučnik. Najpoznatiji je po otkriću strukture DNK molekula 1953. zajedno sa Džejmsom D. Votsonom. On, Votson i Moris Vilkins su zajedno nagrađeni 1962. Nobelovom nagradom za fiziologiju ili medicinu „za otkriće molekulske strukture nukleinskih kiselina i njihovog značaja za transfer informacija u živim materijalima“.[3][4]

Krik je bio važan teoretski molekularni biolog i imao je ključnu ulogu u istraživanjima vezanim za otkriće genetičkog koda. Poznat je takođe i po upotrebi termina “centralna dogma” kojom se sumira ideja da genetske informacije teku u ćelijama isključivo u jednom pravcu, od DNK do RNK do proteina.[5][6]

Bio je profesor na Salk institutu za biološke studije u La Džoli, Kalifornija. Njegova kasnija istraživanja odnosila su se na oblast teorijske neurobiologije.[7]


  1. ^ Anon (2015). „Fellowship of the Royal Society 1660–2015”. London: Royal Society. Архивирано из оригинала 15. 10. 2015. г. CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
  2. ^ Bretscher, Mark S.; Mitchison, Graeme (2017). „Francis Harry Compton Crick OM. 8 June 1916 – 28 July 2004”. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 63: 159—196. ISSN 0080-4606. doi:10.1098/rsbm.2017.0010 Слободан приступ. 
  3. ^ The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962. Nobel Prize Site for Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962.
  4. ^ Rich, A.; Stevens, C. F. (2004). „Obituary: Francis Crick (1916–2004)”. Nature. 430 (7002): 845—847. Bibcode:2004Natur.430..845R. PMID 15318208. S2CID 686071. doi:10.1038/430845a Слободан приступ. 
  5. ^ Ridley 2006, стр. 192.
  6. ^ Crick FH (1958). „On protein synthesis” (PDF reprint). Symp. Soc. Exp. Biol. 12: 138—63. PMID 13580867. 
  7. ^ Shermer, Michael (30. 7. 2004). „Astonishing Mind: Francis Crick 1916–2004”. Skeptics Society. Приступљено 25. 8. 2006. 


  • Of Molecules and Men (Prometheus Books. 2004.; original edition ). 1967. ISBN 978-1-59102-185-8.
  • Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature (Simon & Schuster). 1981. ISBN 978-0-671-25562-6.
  • What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery (Basic Books reprint edition). 1990. ISBN 978-0-465-09138-6.
  • The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search For The Soul (Scribner reprint edition). 1995. ISBN 978-0-684-80158-2.
  • Kreiseliana: about and around Georg Kreisel. ISBN 978-1-56881-061-4.; 495 pages. For pages 25 – 32 "Georg Kreisel: a Few Personal Recollections" contributed by Francis Crick.
  • John Bankston, Francis Crick and James D. Watson (2002). Francis Crick and James Watson: Pioneers in DNA Research. (Mitchell Lane Publishers, Inc.). ISBN 978-1-58415-122-7. 
  • Bryson, Bill (2003). A Short History of Nearly Everything. (Broadway Books). ISBN 978-0-7679-0817-7. 
  • Chadarevian, Soraya De (2002). Designs For Life: Molecular Biology After World War II. Cambridge University Press. стр. 444. ISBN 978-0-521-57078-7. 
  • Roderick Braithwaite. ""'Strikingly Alive', The History of the Mill Hill School Foundation 1807-2007; published Phillimore & Co. ISBN 978-1-86077-330-3.
  • Edwin Chargaff (1978). Heraclitean Fire. Rockefeller Press. .
  • S. Chomet (Ed.), "D.N.A. Genesis of a Discovery", 1994, Newman- Hemisphere Press, London
  • Dickerson, Richard E.. "Present at the Flood: How Structural Molecular Biology Came About", Sinauer. 2005. ISBN 978-0-87893-168-2.
  • Edward Edelson. "Francis Crick And James Watson: And the Building Blocks of Life"' Oxford University Press. 2000. ISBN 978-0-19-513971-6.
  • John Finch; 'A Nobel Fellow On Every Floor', Medical Research Council. 2008. ISBN 978-1-84046-940-0. стр. 381.
  • Hager, Thomas. "Force of Nature: The Life of Linus Pauling", Simon & Schuster. 1995. ISBN 978-0-684-80909-0.
  • Hunter, Graeme (2004). Light Is A Messenger, the life and science of William Lawrence Bragg. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-852921-7. .
  • Cape, Jonathan (1977). Horace Freeland Judson. "The Eighth Day of Creation. Makers of the Revolution in Biology"; Penguin Books. 1995., first published. ISBN 978-0-14-017800-5. 
  • Errol C. Friedberg. "Sydney Brenner: A Biography", pub. CSHL Press October. 2010. ISBN 978-0-87969-947-5.
  • Krude, Torsten, ур. (2003). DNA Changing Science and Society. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-82378-4. . (The Darwin Lectures for 2003, including one by Sir Aaron Klug on Rosalind Franklin's involvement in the determination of the structure of DNA).
  • Maddox, Brenda (2002). Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA. ISBN 978-0-00-655211-6. 
  • Robert Olby; The Path to The Double Helix: Discovery of DNA; first published in October 1974 by MacMillan, with foreword by Francis Crick. ISBN 978-0-486-68117-7.; revised in 1994, with a 9-page postscript.
  • Robert Olby; Oxford National Dictionary article: ‘Crick, Francis Harry Compton (1916–2004)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, January 2008.
  • Olby, Robert (2009). Francis Crick: Hunter of Life's Secrets. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. ISBN 978-0-87969-798-3. 
  • Ridley, Matt (2006). Francis Crick: Discoverer of the Genetic Code (Eminent Lives). HarperCollins Publishers. стр. 192. ISBN 978-0-06-082333-7. 
  • Sayre, Anne (1975). Rosalind Franklin and DNA. New York: W.W. Norton and Company. ISBN 978-0-393-32044-2. 
  • Watson, James D. (1980). The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA. Atheneum. ISBN 978-0-689-70602-8.  (first published in 1968) is a very readable firsthand account of the research by Crick and Watson. The book also formed the basis of the award winning television dramatization Life Story by BBC Horizon (also broadcast as Race for the Double Helix).
  • Stent, Gunther S. James D. Watson. The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA; The Norton Critical Edition, which was published in 1980, edited. ISBN 978-0-393-01245-3. 
  • James D. Watson; "Avoid boring people and other lessons from a life in science" New York. . Random House. ISBN 978-0-375-41284-4. ., 366pp.
  • Maurice Wilkins. (2003). The Third Man of the Double Helix: The Autobiography of Maurice Wilkins. ISBN 978-0-19-860665-9. 
  • Siegel RM, Callaway EM (децембар 2004). „Francis Crick's Legacy for Neuroscience: Between the α and the Ω”. PLOS Biology. 2 (12): e419. PMC 535570 Слободан приступ. PMID 17593891. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0020419. CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)
  • Bretscher M, Lawrence P (август 2004). „Francis Crick 1916–2004”. Current Biology. 14 (16): R642—5. PMID 15324677. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2004.08.006 Слободан приступ. CS1 одржавање: Формат датума (веза)

Spoljašnje veze

Fransis Krik на Викимедијиној остави.
  • Registar važnih članaka Francisa Krika
  • Krikove publikacije
  • The Francis Crick Institute
  • Fransis Krik на сајту Find a Grave (језик: енглески)
  • "Francis Harry Compton Crick (1916–2004)" by A. Andrei at the Embryo Project Encyclopedia
  • Fransis Krik на сајту Уреди на Википодацима
  • Fransis Krik на сајту NPG (језик: енглески) Уреди на Википодацима
  • Comprehensive list of pdf files of Crick's papers from 1950 to 1990 – National Library of Medicine.
  • Francis Crick papers –
  • for Crick's comments on LSD
  • Manuscripts and Correspondence – Mark Bretscher Discovery of Crick's original scientific material in Cambridge, England.
  • Key Participants: Francis H. C. Crick Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (21. септембар 2012) – Linus Pauling and the Race for DNA: A Documentary History
  • An interview with Francis Crick and Christof Koch, 2001 Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (3. март 2009)
  • Listen to Francis Crick
  • The Quest for Consciousness Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (3. март 2009)The Quest for Consciousness – 65 minute audio program — a conversation on Consciousness with neurobiologist Francis Crick of the Salk Institute and neurobiologist Christof Koch from Caltech.
  • Listen to Francis Crick and James Watson talking on the BBC in 1962, 1972, and 1974.
  • The Impact of Linus Pauling on Molecular Biology Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (20. септембар 2012) – a 1995 talk delivered by Crick at Oregon State University
  • "Quiet debut for the double helix" by Professor Robert Olby, Nature 421 (23 January 2003): 402–405.
  • Reading list for discovery of DNA story from the National Centre for Biotechnology Education.
  • Papers of Francis Crick, 1953-1969 held at Churchill Archives Centre
  • Olby's Australian lecture, March 2010
  • Salk Institute Press Release on the death of Francis Crick.
  • BBC News: Francis Crick dies aged 88
  • Francis Crick (Archived 2009-10-31) – MSN Encarta
  • The Francis Crick Papers – Profiles in Science, National Library of Medicine
  • National DNA Day, 25 April 2006 Moderated Chat Transcript Archive
  • Obituary in The Times (London) of Francis Crick, 30 July 2004.
  • Independent On Line article about Consciousness, 7 June 2006.
  • Francis Crick Obituary The Biochemist
  • 100 Scientists and Thinkers: James Watson and Francis Crick from Time magazine.
  • Francis Crick: Nobel Prize 1962, Physiology or Medicine
  • Associated Press story on the death of Francis Crick
  • First press stories on DNA but for the 'second' DNA story in The New York Times, see: — for reproduction of the original text in June 1953.
  • Lynne Elkins' article on Franklin.
  • 50th anniversary series of articles -from The New York Times.
  • Quotes Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (7. фебруар 2009) of Robert Olby on exactly who may have discovered the structure of DNA.
  • listen to Matt Ridley Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (23. децембар 2009) talking about Francis Crick.
  • A celebration of Francis Crick's life in science.
  • Francis Crick tells his life story at Web of Stories
  • Odile Crick's Artwork and biography
  • Article by Mark Steyn from The Atlantic in 2004.
  • Review of Francis Crick: Hunter of Life's Secrets in Current Biology.
  • p
  • r
  • u
  • 1910. Albreht Kosel
  • 1911. Alvar Gulstrand
  • 1912. Aleksis Karel
  • 1913. Šarl Rober Riše
  • 1914. Robert Baranj
  • 1919. Žil Borde
  • 1920-e
  • 1920. August Krog
  • 1922. Arčibald Vivijan Hil i Oto Fric Majerhof
  • 1923. Frederik Banting i Džon Džejms Ričard Maklaud
  • 1924. Vilem Ajnthoven
  • 1926. Johanes Fibiger
  • 1927. Julijus Vagner-Jaureg
  • 1928. Šarl Nikol
  • 1929. Kristijan Ajkman i ser Frederik Gauland Hopkins
  • 1930-e
  • 1930. Karl Landštajner
  • 1931. Oto Varburg
  • 1932. Ser Čarls Skot Šerington i Edgar Daglas Adrijan
  • 1933. Tomas Hant Morgan
  • 1934. Džordž Hojt Vipl, Džordž Ričards Majnot i Vilijam Pari Merfi
  • 1935. Hans Speman
  • 1936. Ser Henri Halet Dejl i Oto Levi
  • 1937. Albert Sent Đerđi
  • 1938. Kornej Hejmans
  • 1939. Gerhard Domag
  • 1940-e
  • 1943. Henrik Dam i Edvard Adelbert Dojzi
  • 1944. Džozef Erlanger i Herbert Spenser Gaser
  • 1945. Ser Aleksander Fleming, Ernst Boris Čejn i ser Hauard Volter Flori
  • 1946. Herman Džozef Mjuler
  • 1947. Karl Ferdinand Kori, Gerti Kori i Bernard Albert Husej
  • 1948. Paul Herman Miler
  • 1949. Valter Hes i Antonio Monic
  • 1950-e
  • 1950. Edvard Kalvin Kendal, Tadeuš Rištejn i Filip Šovolter Henč
  • 1951. Maks Tajler
  • 1952. Selman Vaksman
  • 1953. Hans Adolf Krebs i Fric Albert Lipman
  • 1954. Džon Frenklin Enders, Tomas Hakl Veler i Frederik Čapman Robins
  • 1955. Aksel Hugo Teodor Teorel
  • 1956. Andre Kurnand, Verner Forsman i Dikinson V. Ričards
  • 1957. Danijel Bove
  • 1958. Džordž Vels Bidl, Edvard Lori Tejtum i Džošua Lederberg
  • 1959. Severo Očoa i Artur Kornberg
  • 1960-e
  • 1960. Ser Frenk Makfarlan Bernet i Piter Brajan Medavar
  • 1961. Đerđ fon Bekeši
  • 1962. Fransis Hari Kompton Krik, Džejms Djui Votson i Moris Hju Frederik Vilkins
  • 1963. Ser Džon Karu Ekls, Alan Lojd Hodžkin i Endru Haksli
  • 1964. Konrad Blok i Feodor Linen
  • 1965. Fransoa Žakob, Andre Luof i Žak Mono
  • 1966. Pejton Raus i Čarls B. Hagins
  • 1967. Ragnar Granit, Haldan Kefer Hartlajn i Džordž Vold
  • 1968. Robert V. Holi, Har Gobind Korana i Maršal V. Nirenberg
  • 1969. Maks Delbrik, Alfred Herši i Salvador E. Lurija
  • 1970-e
  • 1970. Bernard Kac, Ulf fon Ojler i Džulijus Akselrod
  • 1971. Erl V. Saderland Mlađi
  • 1972. Džerald M. Edelman i Rodni R. Porter
  • 1973. Karl fon Friš, Konrad Lorenc i Nikolas Tinbergen
  • 1974. Albert Klod, Kristijan de Duve i Džordž E. Palade
  • 1975. Dejvid Baltimor, Renato Dulbeko i Hauard Martin Temin
  • 1976. Baruk S. Blumberg i Danijel Karlton Gajdusek
  • 1977. Rože Gijmen, Endru V. Šali i Rozalin Jalou
  • 1978. Verner Arber, Danijel Nejtans i Hamilton O. Smit
  • 1979. Alan M. Kormak i Godfri N. Haunsfild
  • 1980-e
  • 1980. Baruh Benaseraf, Žan Dose i Džordž D. Snel
  • 1981. Rodžer V. Speri, Dejvid H. Hjubel i Torsten N. Vizel
  • 1982. Sune Bergstrom, Bent I. Samuelson i Džon R. Vejn
  • 1983. Barbara Maklintok
  • 1984. Nils K. Jern, Žorž J. F. Keler i Sezar Milstajn
  • 1985. Majkl S. Braun i Džozef L. Goldstajn
  • 1986. Stenli Koen i Rita Levi-Montalčini
  • 1987. Susumu Tonegava
  • 1988. Ser Džejms V. Blek, Gertruda Elajon i Džordž H. Hičings
  • 1989. Dž. Majkl Bišop i Harold E. Varmus
  • 1990-e
  • 1990. Džozef E. Mari i E. Donal Tomas
  • 1991. Ervin Neher i Bert Sakman
  • 1992. Edmond H. Fišer i Edvin G. Krebs
  • 1993. Ričard Dž. Roberts i Filip A. Šarp
  • 1994. Alfred G. Gilman i Martin Rodbel
  • 1995. Edvard B. Luis, Kristijana Nislajn-Folhard i Erik F. Vajshaus
  • 1996. Piter C. Doerti i Rolf M. Cinkernagel
  • 1997. Stenli B. Pruziner
  • 1998. Robert F. Ferčgot, Luis Ignaro i Ferid Murad
  • 1999. Ginter Blobel
  • 2000-e
  • 2000. Arvid Karlson, Pol Gringard i Erik R. Kandel
  • 2001. Liland H. Hartvel, R. Timoti Hant i Ser Pol M. Ners
  • 2002. Sidni Brener, H. Robert Horvic i Džon E. Salston
  • 2003. Pol Loterber i Ser Piter Mensfild
  • 2004. Linda B. Bak i Ričard Aksel
  • 2005. Bari Dž. Maršal i Robin Voren
  • 2006. Endru Fajer i Krejg Melo
  • 2007. Mario Kapeki, Ser Martin Evans i Oliver Smitiz
  • 2008. Harald cur Hauzen, Fransoaz Bare Sinusi i Lik Montanjije
  • 2009. Elizabet Blekbern, Kerol Grajder i Džek Šostak
  • 2010-e
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