
Apolipoprotein C-I
PDB rendering based on 1ioj.
PDB 直系同源检索:PDBe, RCSB


代号 APOC1
扩展标识 遗传学:107710 鼠基因:88053 同源基因:1244 GeneCards: APOC1 Gene
分子功能 · phospholipase inhibitor activity

· fatty acid binding
· phosphatidylcholine binding
· lipase inhibitor activity

· phosphatidylcholine-sterol O-acyltransferase activator activity
细胞成分 · endoplasmic reticulum

· very-low-density lipoprotein particle
· high-density lipoprotein particle

· chylomicron
生物过程 · lipid metabolic process

· positive regulation of cholesterol esterification
· negative regulation of phosphatidylcholine catabolic process
· negative regulation of very-low-density lipoprotein particle clearance
· regulation of cholesterol transport
· negative regulation of cholesterol transport
· cholesterol efflux
· phospholipid efflux
· plasma lipoprotein particle remodeling
· high-density lipoprotein particle remodeling
· very-low-density lipoprotein particle assembly
· chylomicron remnant clearance
· very-low-density lipoprotein particle clearance
· lipoprotein metabolic process
· negative regulation of fatty acid biosynthetic process
· negative regulation of lipid metabolic process
· negative regulation of receptor-mediated endocytosis
· negative regulation of lipid catabolic process

· negative regulation of lipoprotein lipase activity
Sources: Amigo / QuickGO
物种 人类 小鼠
Entrez 341 11812
Ensembl ENSG00000130208 ENSMUSG00000040564
UniProt P02654 P34928
mRNA序列 NM_001645 NM_001110009
蛋白序列 NP_001636 NP_001103479
基因位置 Chr 19:
45.42 – 45.42 Mb
Chr 7:
19.69 – 19.69 Mb
PubMed查询 [1] [2]
structural studies of a baboon (papio sp.) plasma protein inhibitor of cholesteryl ester transferase.
SCOP英语Structural Classification of Proteins1ale / SUPFAM
Pfam結構(旧版) / ECOD

载脂蛋白C1(英語:Apolipoprotein C-I)是一个由人类基因 APOC1 编码的脂蛋白[1][2]


该基因编码的蛋白质是载脂蛋白C英语apolipoprotein C家族中的一员。


  1. ^ Tata F, Henry I, Markham AF, Wallis SC, Weil D, Grzeschik KH, Junien C, Williamson R, Humphries SE. Isolation and characterisation of a cDNA clone for human apolipoprotein CI and assignment of the gene to chromosome 19. Hum. Genet. 1985, 69 (4): 345–9. PMID 2985493. doi:10.1007/BF00291654. 
  2. ^ Smit M, van der Kooij-Meijs E, Frants RR, Havekes L, Klasen EC. Apolipoprotein gene cluster on chromosome 19. Definite localization of the APOC2 gene and the polymorphic Hpa I site associated with type III hyperlipoproteinemia. Hum. Genet. January 1988, 78 (1): 90–3. PMID 2892779. doi:10.1007/BF00291243. 


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  • Gautier T, Masson D, de Barros JP; et al. Human apolipoprotein C-I accounts for the ability of plasma high density lipoproteins to inhibit the cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity. J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 275 (48): 37504–9. PMID 10978346. doi:10.1074/jbc.M007210200.  引文格式1维护:显式使用等标签 (link)
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  • Template:PDB Gallery/341
  • APOA
    • 1
    • 2英语Apolipoprotein A-II
    • 4英语APOA4
    • 5英语APOA5
  • APOB
  • APOC
    • 1
    • 2英语Apolipoprotein C-II
    • 3英语Apolipoprotein C-III
    • 4英语Apolipoprotein C-IV
  • APOD英语Apolipoprotein D
  • APOE英语Apolipoprotein E
  • APOH英语Apolipoprotein H
  • SAA英语Serum amyloid A
    • SAA1英语Serum amyloid A1
  • IDL英语Intermediate-density lipoprotein
  • LDL
  • Lp(a)英语Lipoprotein(a)
  • HDL
  • 殘粒樣脂蛋白膽固醇英语Remnant cholesterol
  • LCAT英语Lecithin–cholesterol acyltransferase
  • LIPC英语Hepatic lipase
  • LPL英语Lipoprotein lipase
脂转移蛋白英语Plant lipid transfer proteins
  • CETP英语Cholesteryl ester transfer protein
  • MTTP英语Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
  • PLTP英语Phospholipid transfer protein
  • LRP英语Lipoprotein receptor-related protein
    • LRP1英语LRP1
    • LRP1B英语LRP1B
    • LRP2英语LRP2
    • LRP3英语LRP3
    • LRP4英语Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 4
    • LRP5英语LRP5
    • LRP5L
    • LRP6英语LRP6
    • LRP8英语Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8
    • LRP10英语LRP10
    • LRP11英语LRP11
    • LRP12
  • LDLR
  • LRPAP1英语LDL-receptor-related protein-associated protein
ATP结合盒载体英语ATP-binding cassette transporter
  • ABCA1英语ABCA1
  • ABCG5英语ABCG5
  • ABCG8英语ABCG8



