Olga Oleinik

Olga Oleinik
Olga Oleinik
Olga Oleinik em Nice, 1970
Nascimento Ольга Арсеньевна Олейник
2 de julho de 1925
Morte 13 de outubro de 2001 (76 anos)
Sepultamento Cemitério Troyekurovskoye
Nacionalidade ucraniana
Cidadania União Soviética, Rússia
Alma mater Universidade Estatal de Moscou
Ocupação matemática, professora universitária
Prêmios Medalha de Ouro Lomonossov (1964), Prêmio Estatal da União Soviética (1988)
Empregador(a) Universidade Estatal de Moscovo, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Instituto de Matemática Steklov
Orientador(a)(es/s) Ivan Petrovsky
Instituições Universidade Estatal de Moscou
Campo(s) matemática
Tese 1950: On Topology of Real Algebraic Curves on Algebraic Surfaces
[edite no Wikidata]

Olga Arsenievna Oleinik (em russo: Ольга Арсеньевна Олейник; Matusiv, 2 de julho de 1925Moscou, 13 de outubro de 2001) foi uma matemática ucraniana.

Conhecida por trabalhos sobre equações diferenciais parciais, meios elásticos não-homogêneos e teoria matemática da camada limite. Aluna de Ivan Petrovsky, estudou e trabalhou na Universidade Estatal de Moscou.

Publicações selecionadas

  • Kozlov, S.M.; Oleinik, O.A.; Zhikov, V.V. (1994), Homogenization of differential operators and integral functionals, ISBN 3-540-54809-2, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag 
  • Oleinik, Olga A. (1957), «Discontinuous solutions of non-linear differential equations», 'UMN', 12 (3(75)): 3–73 (em russo). An important paper where the author describes generalized solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations asBV functions.
  • Oleinik, Olga A. (1959), «Construction of a generalized solution of the Cauchy problem for a quasi-linear equation of first order by the introduction of "vanishing viscosity"», 'UMN', 14 (2(86)): 159–164 (em russo). An important paper where the author constructs a weak solution in BV for a nonlinear partial differential equation with the method of vanishing viscosity.
  • Oleinink, O.A. (1960), «A method of solution of the general Stefan problem», Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 135: 1050–1057 (em russo). An important paper in the theory of the Stefan problem: for the first time and independently of S.L. Kamenomostskaya the author proves the existence of a generalized solution for the multi dimensional model.
  • Oleinik, Olga A.; Radkevich, Evgenii V. (1973), Second order equations with nonnegative characteristic form, ISBN 0-306-30751-0, Nova Iorque e Londres / Providence, R.I.: Plenum Press / AMS, MR457907, (reviews of the Russian edition) 
  • Oleinik, O.A.; Shamaev, A.S.; Yosifian, G.A. (1991), Mathematical problems in elasticity and homogenization, ISBN 0-444-88441-6, Studies in Mathematics and its Applications, 26, Amsterdam - Londres - Nova Iorque - Tóquio: North-Holland 
  • Oleinik, O.A.; Samokhin, V.N. (1999), Mathematical models in boundary layer theory, ISBN 1-5848-8015-5, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Computation, 15, Londres-Weinheim-Nova Iorque-Tóquio-Melbourne-Madras: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press .


  • Colautti Fichera, Matelda (dezembro 2006), ... ed è subito sera... La lunga, brevissima vita di Gaetano Fichera (The long, extremely short life of Gaetano Fichera), Roma: Edição de autor (em italiano). The story of the life of Gaetano Fichera written by his wife, Matelda Colautti Fichera: this reference is important for understanding the friendship between Olga Oleinik, Gaetano Fichera and his wife.
  • Friedlander, Susan; Keyfitz, Barbara (2006), «Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik: Two Great Women Mathematicians of the 20th Century» (PDF), in: Kuperberg, Krystyna, Women in Mathematics: The Legacy of Ladyzhenskaya and Oleinik - May 18–20, 2006, Berkeley, CA: Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) e MSRI, consultado em 7 de fevereiro de 2021 . Some recollections of the authors about Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik.
  • Jäger, Willi; Lax, Peter; Synge Morawetz, Cathleen (2003), «Olga Arsen'evna Oleĭnik (1925-2001)» (PDF), Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 50 (2): 220–223 . An ample commemorative paper written by three friends/collaborators.
  • Nirenberg, Louis (2004), «About Olga Arsen'evna Oleinik», Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 120 (3 / March), doi:10.1023/B:JOTH.0000016045.00993.ef . A short obituary notice by Louis Nirenberg.
  • Synge Morawetz, Cathleen (2006), «Early Memories of Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik» (PDF), in: Kuperberg, Krystyna, Women in Mathematics: The Legacy of Ladyzhenskaya and Oleinik - May 18–20, 2006, Berkeley, CA: AWM and MSRI, consultado em 7 de fevereiro de 2021 . Some recollections of the author about Olga Ladyzhenskaya and Olga Oleinik.
  • Venttsel', T.D.; Vladimirov, V.S.; Zhikov, V.V.; Il'in, A.M.; Il'in, V.P.; Kondrat'ev, V.A.; Kudryavtsev, L.D.; Mishchenko, E.F.; Nikol'skii, S.M. (2003), «Ol'ga Arsen'evna Oleinik (obituary)», UMN', 58 (1(349)): 165–174, MR1992133 . An almost comprehensive obituary article: its English translation is published in the Russian Mathematical Surveys, 2003, 58:1, 161–17 (doi:10.1070/RM2003v058n01ABEH000607).

Ligações externas

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1959: Pyotr Kapitsa · 1962: Alexander Nesmeyanov · 1964: Olga Oleinik, Shin'ichiro Tomonaga e Hideki Yukawa · 1965: Nikolai Belov e Howard Florey · 1967: Igor Tamm e Cecil Frank Powell · 1968: Vladimir Engelgardt e István Rusznyák · 1969: Nikolay Semyonov e Giulio Natta · 1970: Ivan Vinogradov e Arnaud Denjoy · 1971: Viktor Ambartsumian e Hannes Alfvén · 1972: Nikolai Muskhelishvili e Max Steenbeck · 1973: Alexander Pavlovich Vinogradov e Vladimír Zoubek · 1974: Alexander Tselikov e Angel Balevski · 1975: Mstislav Keldysh e Maurice Roy · 1976: Semyon Volfkovich e Herman Klare · 1977: Mikhail Lavrentyev e Linus Pauling · 1978: Anatoly Alexandrov e Alexander Todd · 1979: Aleksandr Oparin e Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy · 1980: Borys Paton e Jaroslav Kožešník · 1981: Vladimir Kotelnikov e Pavle Savić · 1982: Juliï Borisovich Khariton e Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin · 1983: Andrei Kursanov e Abdus Salam · 1984: Nikolay Bogolyubov e Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer · 1985: Mikhail Sadovsky e Guillermo Haro · 1986: Svyatoslav Fyodorov e Josef Řiman · 1987: Aleksandr Prokhorov e John Bardeen · 1988: Sergei Sobolev e Jean Leray · 1989: Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov e Hans Bethe · 1993: Dmitry Likhachov e John Kenneth Galbraith · 1994: Nikolai Kochetkov e James Watson · 1995: Vitaly Ginzburg e Anatole Abragam · 1996: Nikolai Nikolaevich Krasovsky e Friedrich Hirzebruch · 1997: Boris Sokolov e Frank Press · 1998: Alexander Soljenítsin e Yosikazu Nakamura · 1999: Valentin Yanin e Michael Müller-Wille · 2000: Andrei Viktorovich Gaponov-Grekhov e Charles Hard Townes · 2001: Alexander Spirin e Alexander Rich · 2002: Olga Ladyzhenskaya e Lennart Carleson · 2003: Yevgeniy Chazov e Michael DeBakey · 2004: Gury Marchuk e Edward Lorenz · 2005: Yuri Osipyan e Peter Hirsch · 2006: Nikolay Pavlovich Laverov e Rodney Charles Ewing · 2007: Andrey Zaliznyak e Simon Franklin  · 2008: Yevgeny Primakov e Hélène Carrère d'Encausse · 2009: Vadim Tikhonovich Ivanov e Ryōji Noyori · 2010: Spartak Timofeevich Belyaev e Gerardus 't Hooft · 2011: Vladimir Alexandrovich Tartakovsky e Roald Hoffmann · 2012: Gleb Vsevolodovich Dobrovolsky e Richard Warren Arnold · 2013: Ludvig Faddeev e Peter Lax · 2014: Anatoly Derevyanko e Anatoly Derevyanko · 2015: Leonid Keldysch e Paul Corkum · 2016: Dmitri Georgewitsch Knorre e Sidney Altman · 2017: Yuri Oganessian e Björn Jonson · 2018: Josef Gitelson e Martin Chalfie · 2019: Georgy Golitsyn e Paul Crutzen · 2020: Sergei Novikov e John Milnor

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